
O my friends, if my clothes are worn

بني سوار إن رثت ثيابي

1. O my friends, if my clothes are worn
And my wealth no longer benefits the family

١. بَني سَوّارَ إِن رَثَت ثِيابي
وَكَلَّ عَنِ العَشيرَةِ فَضلُ مالي

2. Then my words are discarded and neglected
And my relatives and loyalists shun me

٢. فَمُطَّرَحٌ وَمَتروكٌ كَلامي
وَتَجفوني الأَقارِبُ وَالمَوالي

3. Was I not from the chiefs of Bani Nu'aym
Who inhabited the house with the tall pillars?

٣. أَلَم أًكٌ مِن سَراةِ بَني نُعَيمٍ
أَحُلُّ البَيتَ ذا العَمَدِ الطِوالِ

4. Around me were all the prey of Taghlib
Generous, who shared food without reserve

٤. وَحَولي كُلُّ أَصيَدَ تَغلَبِيٍّ
أَبِيُّ الضَيمِ مُشتَرَكُ النَوالِ

5. When it was time to eat, I was not in need
And I was sufficient when calamities stirred

٥. إِذا حَضَرَ الغَداءُ فَغَيرُ مُغنٍ
وَيُغني حينَ تَشتَجِرُ العَوالي

6. They left me, and I am not destitute
To the man of riches who counts the nights

٦. وَأَبقَوني فَلَستُ بِمُستَكينٍ
لِصاحِبِ ثَروَةٍ أُخرى اللَيالي

7. Nor am I the flatterer of the wealthy
So I may wipe from their food my moustache

٧. وَلا بِمُمَسِّحِ المُثرينَ كَيما
أُمَسِّحَ مِن طَعامِهِم سِبالي

8. I am the son of Anbar, who clothed me
With the waist wrapper of honours, my uncle's waist wrapper

٨. أَنا اِبنُ العَنبَرِيَّةِ أَزَّرَتني
إِزارَ المَكرُماتِ إِزارَ خالي

9. So if wealth is glory, then I
Will call on Allah for lawful provision

٩. فَإِن يَكُن الغِنى مَجداً فَإِنّي
سَأَدعو اللَهَ بِالرِزقِ الحَلالِ