
For whoever has not heard something wondrous, I am

فمن كان لم يسمع عجيبا فإنني

1. For whoever has not heard something wondrous, I am
Wondrous in speech, O Umayma, and its truth-teller

١. فَمَن كانَ لَم يَسمَع عَجيباً فَإِنَّني
عَجيبُ الحَديثِ يا أُمَيمَ وَصادِقُه

2. And I had a companion, O mother of Malik
Each, whenever I search, I am their lover

٢. وَقَد كانَ لي أُنسانِ يا أُمَّ مالِكٍ
وَكُلٌّ إِذا فَتَّشَتني أَنا عاشِقُه

3. Precious, and the cup which he who drinks it
Deceives him of his reason, so it befriends him

٣. عَزيزَةُ وَالكَأَسُ الَّتي مَن يُحِلُّها
تُخادِعُهُ عَن عَقلِهِ فَتُصادِقُه

4. They battled within me, so I neglected her approach
And her cups, and time has many separations

٤. تَحارَبَتا عِندي فَعَطَّلتُ دَنَّها
وَأَكوابَها وَالدَهرُ جَمٌّ بَوائِقُه

5. And I forbade her for two years, then memories of regret removed me
And the singing agrees with it

٥. وَحَرَّمتُها حَولَينِ ثُمَّ أَزَلَّني
حَديثُ النَدامى وَالنَشيدُ أُوافِقُه

6. So when I drank the cup, through her sister
The beautiful gazelle, pleasing in her qualities, appeared

٦. فَلَمّا شَرِبتُ الكَأسَ بانَت بَأُختِها
فَبانَ الغَزالُ المُستَحَبُّ خَلائِقُه

7. How good is the cup you have forbidden me
But it is not Raim I would embrace

٧. فَما أَطيَبَ الكَأسَ الَّتي اِعتَضتُ مِنكُم
وَلَكِنَّها لَيسَت بِريمٍ أُعانِقُه