1. To you, son of generous Musa, I adorned my she-camel
Bedecked, his majesty sheds light upon her
١. إِلَيكَ اِبنَ موسى الجودِ أَعمَلتُ ناقَتي
مُجَلَّلَةً يَضفو عَلَيها جِلالُها
2. Silent in distress, she does not complain of the hardship of travel
It's all the same to her, whether she lives or ails
٢. كَتومُ الوَجى لا تَشتَكي أَلَمَ السُرى
سَواءٌ عَلَيها مَوتُها وَاِعتِلالُها
3. When she drinks, she sees the inside of her stomach
And when thirsty, no emaciation shows in her
٣. إِذا شَرِبَت أَبصَرَت ما جَوفُ بَطنِها
وَإِن ظَمِئَت لَم يَبدُ مِنها هُزالُها
4. If I load her, I take care of her burden
And if unloaded, I don't ask how her condition is
٤. وَإِن حَمَلَت حِملاً تَكَلَّفتُ حِملَها
وَإِن حُطَّ عَنها لَم أَقُل كَيفَ حالُها
5. We sent her, eyes follow her in wonder
To you, and no fatigue is feared for her
٥. بَعَثنا بِها تَسمو العُيونُ وَراءَها
إِلَيكَ وَما يُخشى عَلَيها كَلالُها
6. A singer sang, his voice hurt me
When will the phantom of Umm Amr return?
٦. وَغَنّى مُغَنِّياً بَصِوتٍ فَشاقَني
مَتى راجِعٌ مِن أُمِّ عَمرٍو خَيالُها
7. I love you, all of Qais ibn Ailan
And his horsemen and men impress me
٧. أُحِبُّ لَكُم قَيسَ بنَ عَيلانَ كُلُّها
وَيُعجِبُني فُرسانُها وَرِجالُها
8. Why wouldn't I love the survival of a tribe
Whose full moon is your father, and you its crescent?
٨. وَما لِيَ لا أَهوى بَقاءَ قَبيلَةٍ
أَبوكَ لَها بَدرٌ وَأَنتَ هِلالُها