
O falcon, no clouds have quenched your thirst,

يا سمخ لا سحب سقتك عهاده

1. O falcon, no clouds have quenched your thirst,
For you have wept copious tears from the eyes.

١. يا سَمْخُ لا سُحُبٌ سَقَتْكِ عِهَادُهَا
فلقد أسَلْتِ مِنَ العُيُونِ عِهادَا

2. You have felled those who mounted the rocks over-confidently,
While the wind foams beneath them in agitation.

٢. وصرعتِ مَن رَكِبَ الجمَادَ فراضَهُ
والريحُ تُزبدُ تَحْتَهُ إِزْبَادَا

3. You traversed the skies and trod the backs of clouds
With valor, rising above the summits or almost.

٣. خاضَ الفضاءَ وداسَ متنَ سحابِهِ
ببَسَالةٍ وعَلَا السُّهَى أَوْ كَادَا

4. The meteors of the heavens did not frighten your heart,
But you circled among them, flashing like lightning.

٤. مَا رَوَّعَتْ شُهُبُ السَّمَاءِ فُؤَادَهُ
بلْ طَافَ فِيهَا مُبْرِقًا رَعَّادَا

5. O you who ascended to the sublime heights and attained them,
And outstripped the flocks of birds in the race.

٥. يَا مَنْ سَمَوْتَ إِلَى العُلَى فَبَلَغْتَهُ
وَسَبَقْتَ أَسْرَابَ الطُّيُورِ طِرَادَا

6. The ribs of the wind fluttered beneath you and twisted,
Breaking apart, and how many hearts you have rent asunder!

٦. خَفَقَتْ ضُلُوعُ الرِّيحِ تَحْتَكَ وَالْتَوَتْ
فَرَقًا وَكَمْ فَطَرَتْ عَلَيْكَ فُؤَادَا

7. Until the sister of eagles fell exhausted,
And you swooped down, neither from cowardice nor trembling.

٧. حَتَّى كَبَتْ أُخْتُ النُّسُورِ كَلِيلَةً
فَهَوَيْتَ، لَا جُبْنًا وَلَا إِرْعَادَا

8. But your sublime spirit disdained the belly of the earth
As a dwelling, preferring the open sky as a couch.

٨. لَكِنْ عَلَاؤُكَ مَا ارْتَضَى بَطْنَ الثَّرَى
مَثْوًى وَآثَرَ فِي العَلَاءِ رُقَادَا

9. So you took the garb of clouds as your winding sheet
And the layers of clouds as your pillow.

٩. فَتَخِذْتَ ثَوْبَ السافياتِ سَوَابِحًا
كَفَنًا وَأَطْبَاقَ السَّحَابِ وِسَادَا