
I have become an ordinary house

أصبحت أفني عاديا وبقيت

1. I have become an ordinary house
and I remain

١. أَصبَحتُ أَفني عادِيا وَبَقيتُ
لَم يَبقَ غَيرُ حُشاشَتي وَأَموتُ

2. Nothing remains but my foolishness, and I die
And I have really worn the new clothes of time

٢. وَلَقَد لَبِستُ عَلى الزَمانِ جَديدَهُ
وَلَبِستُ إِخوانَ الصَبى فَبَليتُ

3. And worn the clothes of the boys of youth, so I wasted away
Sadness overcame whoever I saw, so I followed it

٣. غَلَبَ العَزى عَمَّن أَرى فَتَبِعتُهُ
وَخُدِعتُ عَمّا في يَدي فَأَسيتُ

4. And I was deceived about what was in my hands, so I despaired
And paths I made easy, so I abandoned them

٤. وَمَسالِكٍ يَسَّرتُها فَتَرَكتُها
وَمَواعِظٍ عَلِّمتُها فَنَسيتُ