1. The world has been renewed by the kingdom of Muhammad
Welcome to the glorious age
١. تجددت الدنيا بملك محمد
فأهلاً وسهلاً بالزمان المجدد
2. It is the outstanding state that has departed and returned
Proclaiming righteousness in every scene
٢. هي الدولة الغراءُ راحت وبكرت
مشهرة بالرشد في كل مشهدِ
3. By my life an allegiance has strengthened the bond of religion
Through it the Merciful has honored every monotheist
٣. لعمري لقد شدت عرا الدين بيعةٌ
أعز بها الرحمن كل موحدِ
4. Congratulations O Commander of the Faithful a caliphate
Through which you have united the aspirations of Ahmad's nation
٤. هنتك أمير المؤمنين خلافةٌ
جمعتَ بها أهواءَ أُمَّةِ أحمدِ