1. Has Islam not mourned the death of its supporter?
Yes, it is right that it is terrified of the death of its helper
١. ألم يرعِ الإسلام موتُ نصيره
بلى حقَّ أن يرتاعَ من مات ناصِرُه
2. The prosperous days of Mu'athil will console you
For what is past, its beginnings were praiseworthy and its ends
٢. سيُسليك عما فات دولةُ مُفضِلٍ
أوائلُه محمودةٌ وأواخرُه
3. God folded his arms around him and united his person
To righteousness since his helpers girded him
٣. ثنى اللَه عطفيه وألفَ شخصه
على البر مذ شدَّت عليه مآزره
4. He pours out wealth as if he sees
Giving away wealth as plunder to be seized eagerly
٤. يصبُّ ببذلِ المال حتى كأنما
يرى بذله للمالِ نهباً يُبادِرُه
5. Whatever the Merciful brings is only brought forward
Its influx is praiseworthy and its outflow
٥. وما قدم الرحمن إلا مقدماً
موارِدُه محمودةٌ ومصادِرُه