1. I ransom the one who said to me when he turned away,
And lowered his eyelid over his beloved,
١. فديتُ من قال لي على خَفَره
وغضَّ من جفنِه على حورِه
2. "Your beautiful poetry has reached my ears, so it
Ceases not to flow smoothly over its string."
٢. سمَّعَ بي شعرُك المليحُ فما
ينفكُّ شادٍ به على وتَره
3. It suffices you some of what you have proclaimed, but no rest
Suffices a lover until he fulfills his desire.
٣. حسبُكَ بعضَ الذي أذعت ولا
حسب لِصَبٍّ لم يقضِ من وَطرِه
4. So I said, "O borrower of a past
Elegance and the beauty of discreet glances,
٤. فقلت يا مستعيرَ سالفةِ ال
خشفِ وحُسنَ الفتورِ من نظره
5. Do not deny the longing of one made rapturous
Who relives his youth despite his old age."
٥. لا تُنكِرَنَّ الحنين من طربٍ
عاوَدَ فيك الصبا على كِبَرِ