
I did not collect what was decayed,

نشبي وما جمعت من صفد

1. I did not collect what was decayed,
Nor did I gather what was corrupt and spoiled.

١. نشبي وما جمعت من صفدِ
وحويت من سبدٍ ومن لبدِ

2. Cares tossed me around,
So I moved from one land to another.

٢. هِمَمٌ تقاذفت الهمومُ بها
فنزعتُ من بلدٍ إلى بلدِ

3. O soul that is determined and content,
The cause of greed is tomorrow and the day after.

٣. يا روح من حسمت قناعته
سبب المطامع من غدٍ وغدِ

4. He who is not blamed for God’s sake
Will never need anyone when he is in need.

٤. من لم يكن للّهِ متهماً
لم يُمسِ محتاجاً الى أحد