1. My soul longs for him whenever his life story comes to my mind. So my Lord bless him whenever I think of him. I gathered my glorifications from the solitude of time and my purest nocturnal prayers from its sanctuaries. Praise be to God! I found company in His presence and the best object of praise in the love of my heart.
١. جنيتُ من وحشةِ الأوقاتِ تسبيحي
ومِن محاريبِها أنقى تراويحي
٢. الحمدُ للهِ ! أُنسي في معيتهِ
وفي محبةِ قلبي خيرَ ممدوحِ
٣. صلى عليه إلهي كلما خَطرَت
في البالِ سيرتُهُ واشتاقَهُ رُوحي!