
O Lord, bless the one whom the world is enamored with

يارب صل على الذي شغف الورى

1. O Lord, bless the one whom the world is enamored with
For his qualities, his companions, and his family

١. ياربِّ صلِّ على الذي شُغِفَ الوَرى
بِخِصالهِ ، وبِصَحبهِ ، وبِآلهِ

2. Greet him whenever a Friday commences
And forgive those longing for the grace of his beauty

٢. سَلِّم عليه ما استهلّت جُمعةٌ
واغفر لمُشتاقٍ لفَيضِ جَمالهِ