
I give praise and glory for your exalted state, servant

مجدي لدولتك العلية خادم

1. I give praise and glory for your exalted state, servant
And for the goodness of your father's work before you, composer

١. مجدي لدولتك العلية خادمُ
وَلحسنِ صُنعِ أَبيك قَبلك ناظمُ

2. He took the reins happily from him, so he lived
In prosperity, and time was peaceful for him

٢. أَخذ الذمام هَنيّةً مِنهُ فَعا
ش بِنعمة وَلَهُ الزَمان مسالم

3. And how much in his presence poems were sung with what
A scholar sincerely praised him for

٣. وَلَكم بحضرته ترنم بِالَّذي
أَثنى بإِخلاص عَلَيهِ عالم

4. And how much for him books were adorned, their beauty
In it and in you odes and biographies

٤. وَلَكم لَهُ كتب يُحلِّي جيدَها
فيهِ وَفيك قَصائدٌ وَتَراجم

5. And on you both the palace of praises was built and chosen
For you two praise, so no blamer blamed it

٥. وَعَليكُما قصَر المَدائح وَاِنتَقى
لَكما الثَناء فَلَم يَلمه اللائم

6. And its horses raced in the hippodrome of rhetoric
So the judge ruled for it the first place in it

٦. وَجَرت بمضمار البَديع جِياده
فَقَضى لَهُ بِالسَبق فيهِ حاكم

7. And thus it became among mankind like you two
A monument, bewildering the wandering

٧. وَلذا غَدا بَين البَرية فيكُما
عَلَماً بشهرته يَهيم الهائم

8. And your father distinguished it with the noblest service
Which raised its pillars for it in Egypt

٨. وَأَبوك ميّزه بِأَشرَف خدمة
رفعت لَهُ فيها بمصر دَعائم

9. O breast whose days are
In his era for all people seasons

٩. يا أَيُّها الصَدر الَّذي أَيامه
في عَهده للعالمين مَواسم

10. This is your boy who before stood by the duty
To your father, may the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate have mercy on him

١٠. هَذا غُلامك قامَ قَبلُ بِواجبٍ
لأَبيك يَرحمه الرَحيم الراحم

11. And with his writing about him and you the nightingales twittered
Above the branches and doves

١١. وَبِنَظمه فيهِ وَفيك تَناشدت
فَوقَ الغُصون بَلابلٌ وَحَمائم

12. And praise is documented in pages about him
The pen of friendship was the drawer for its lines

١٢. وَالمَدح فيهِ مدوّنٌ بِصحائفٍ
لِسطورها قلمُ الصَداقة راقم

13. And the soul almost melted because of missing him
If not for you, O excellent offspring, wise

١٣. وَالنَفس قَد كادَت تَذوب لفقده
لَولاك يا نعم السَليل الحازم

14. And though he passed, pride in you is immortalized
You show it through courage, generosity,

١٤. وَلَئن مَضى فَالفَخر فيكَ مخلد
تبديه مِنكَ شَجاعةٌ وَمَكارم

15. And knowledge, charms, awe,
And integrity of opinion determining dilemmas

١٥. وَمَعارف وَلَطائف وَمَهابة
وَسَداد رَأي للمشاكل حاسم

16. O son of happy Muḥammad, king of all
You are whom his open-handedness makes Hatim be forgotten

١٦. يا ابن السَعيد محمدٍ ملك الوَرى
أَنتَ الَّذي يُنسَى بجودك حاتم

17. Why not, and you revived him with enthusiasm
And clouds of generosity whose rain is accumulating

١٧. لِم لا وَقَد أَحييتَه بِحَماسةٍ
وَسَحاب بذلٍ غَيثُه مُتراكم

18. And you spread in the homelands the flags of prohibition
In the best era whose wound for you is binding

١٨. وَنَشرت بِالأَوطان أَعلام النُهى
في خَير عَصر ثَغرُه لَكَ باسم

19. So the precious king, Abu al-Fida, chose you
As a pillar and in-law, and that is essential

١٩. فَاِختارك الملك العَزيز أَبو الفِدا
عضداً وَصهراً وَهوَ أَمر لازم

20. And you loved schools and endowments without
Ingenuity, whom you fear to meet foes

٢٠. وَحبا المدارسَ مِنكَ وَالأَوقافَ بال
فَطِنِ الَّذي تَخشى لِقاهُ ضراغم

21. So you came in management with the matter which
Signs of it appeared on you since the cradle

٢١. فَأَتيت في التَدبير بِالأَمر الَّذي
في المَهد مِنهُ بَدَت عَلَيك عَلائم

22. You still remain protected and supported,
With victory as long as the faster prayed and greeted

٢٢. لا زلت مَحفوظ الجَناب مؤيداً
بِالنَصر ما صَلَّى وَسلم صائم

23. Or as the month of fasting appears with what you desire
And joy for you is increasing constantly

٢٣. أَو ما بَدا شَهرُ الصِيام بما تَشا
وَاِزداد فيهِ لَكَ السُرور الدائم

24. And you attained what you wished for
Forever, and the nose of your religion's enemy is rubbed in dirt

٢٤. وَبلغت ما أَمّلت مِمّا تَشتَهي
أَبَداً وَأَنفُ عدوّ دينك راغم

25. Or Majdi said in congratulations, the historian:
Adorn it, the honor of knowledges remains

٢٥. أَو قالَ مَجدي في الهَناء مؤرِّخاً
طوسون بِهِ شَرَف المَعارف قائم