
O you who depart, not pleased with our life

يا راحلا لا بالرضا عن حينا

1. O you who depart, not pleased with our life
Stop between us before parting, and bid us farewell

١. يا راحِلاً لا بِالرضا عَن حيِّنا
قف بَيننا قَبل الفراق وَحيِّنا

2. To whom have you left the school, which accepts
None but you - have you been good to it, or made it better?

٢. فَلِمَن تركت الضربَخانةَ وَهيَ لا
تَرضى سِواك أَسا لها أَم أَحسَنا

3. To whom have you entrusted safeguarding the beauty of sciences
That is now lost and its splendor darkened after you?

٣. وَلِمَن عهدت بحفظ حسن معارف
ضاعَت وَأَظلَم جوُّها بَعد السَنا

4. To whom have you made the sciences' successor
After the harm of a day when we lost you?

٤. وَلِمَن جَعلت عَلى العُلوم خَليفةً
مِن بَعد ضرّ يَوم فَقدك مسَّنا

5. You have undone the rope of chemistry, though
Since Jabir's time it has wished you wealth

٥. أَنقضت حبل الكيمياء وَإِنَّها
مِن عَهد جابوها تودّ لك الغِنى

6. Can the body recover without you
After you reluctantly handed it over to one who did no good?

٦. أَيصحُّ جسمٌ للجشاني بَعدَما
أَسلمتَه رغماً لِمَن لَم يُحسنا

7. Oh the agony of teaching, from the pain of loss
He will visit the grave before forty days

٧. يا لَوعة التدريس مِن أَلم النَوى
سيزور قبل الأَربعين المدفنا

8. Whence will students after you have the will
For a branch of knowledge where the head bowed down?

٨. مِن أَين للطلاب بَعدك رَغبةٌ
في حوز علمٍ شاب رَأساً وَاِنحَنى

9. O son of those who prided themselves in their time
On sciences adorned in robes of prose and verse

٩. يا اِبن الَّذين تَفاخروا في عَصرهم
بِمَعارفٍ تَختال في حللِ الثَنا

10. Do not grieve, by your father, for what we missed
Of your hidden pearls in the belly of oblivion

١٠. بِأَبيك لا تَأسف عَلى ما فاتنا
مِن درّك المَكنون في جَوف الفَنا

11. If your knowledge has declined, diminished in amount
Your brother will fill our breasts with sciences

١١. إِن كانَ علمك غاض غبّاً ماؤه
فَأخوك يَملأ بِالمَعارف صدرَنا

12. And provide us strange things from his art
That cure chronic diseases among us

١٢. وَيمدّنا بِغَرائب مِن فَنِّه
يَشفي بِها مِنا عضالاً مُزمِنا

13. May God help him and pour out his patience
Upon him - so his body withstands hardship

١٣. فَاللَه يَكلؤه وَيُفرغُ صَبرَه
أَبداً عَلَيهِ فجسمُه أَلف الضَنا

14. And reward him for what he endured
In the moment of parting, from intensity of sorrow

١٤. وَيزيده أَجراً عَلى ما نابَه
في مَوقف التَوديع مِن فَرط العَنا