
The star of joy has risen, good fortune is its ascendant

بدا كوكب الأفراح طالعه السعد

1. The star of joy has risen, good fortune is its ascendant
It shines radiantly on the horizon of congratulations, glory lies therein

١. بَدا كَوكَب الأَفراح طالعُهُ السَعدُ
فَأَشرَق في أُفق التَهاني بِهِ المَجدُ

2. The harbinger of intimacy cried out on a clear night
Indeed Ibrahim won and the promise was fulfilled

٢. وَنادى بَشير الأُنس في لَيلَة الصَفا
لَقَد فازَ إِبراهيم وَاِنتَجز الوَعد

3. And he obtained from the days what he aspired to
In Egypt, and good fortune made his future brighter

٣. وَنالَ مِن الأَيام ما كانَ يَرتجي
بِمَصر وَفي الإِقبال أَسعده الجَد

4. And he attained the sun of beauty in glory and it shone more radiantly
Through him, for he is a full moon in his handsome features

٤. وَأَدرَك شَمس الحُسن في العز فازدَهت
بِهِ وَهوَ بَدر في مَحاسنه فرد

5. So I said, I congratulate the wedding, chronicling it
The valiant Ibrahim constructed with the sun, O happy one

٥. فَقُلت أَهنِّي بِالزَفاف مُؤرخاً
بَنى الشَهمُ إِبراهيمُ بِالشَمس يا سَعد