1. Until now, no orders have been issued for my detention
Nor have I been entered after my connection in books
١. إِلى الآن لَم تَصدر بِقَيدي أَوامرُ
وَلا ضمّني بَعد اِتِصالي دَفاترُ
2. And I have in Damanhour loneliness from intimacy
If there is no solace for me in hope
٢. وَلي في دَمنهور مِن الأُنس وَحشةٌ
إِذا لَم يَكُن لي في الرَجاء مسامر
3. So order, O vizier of the king, my detention as
You have promised, so that difficulties are not exacerbated
٣. فَمُر يا وَزير الملك بِالقَيد حَسبَما
وَعَدتَ بِهِ كَيلا تُشَقَّ المَرائر
4. And with ease relieve the difficulty of seven months
In it the affliction of poverty and poverty intensified
٤. وَبِاليسر فرّج عسرَ سَبعة أَشهُرٍ
بِها اِشتدّ بَأس الفَقر وَالفَقر كافر
5. And take me by the hand and approve the expenditure of the past
And with provision, provide me, for I am a traveler
٥. وَخُذ بِيَدي وَاِسمَح بِصَرف الَّذي مَضى
وَبِالزَاد زَوّدني فَإِني مُسافر
6. And I did not know the state of those I left
In an empty house with no treasures
٦. وَلَم أَدرِ ما حالَ الَّذين تَركتهم
بِبَيت خليّ لَيسَ فيهِ ذَخائر
7. And free my heart from the fetters of hardship
Circuits turned against me in distress
٧. وَخَلِّص فُؤادي مِن حَبائل شدّة
عَلَيّ بِها في الضيق دارَت دَوائر
8. And some people had intentionally lost me
And were it not for you, armies would not have kept me safe
٨. وَقَد كانَ بَعض الناس عَمداً أَضاعَني
وَلَولاك ما قامَت بِحفظي عَساكر
9. So protect my face from the humiliation of asking with a state
In which you are the benefactor to the healthy with generosity
٩. فَصُن عَن سُؤال الذل وَجهي بِدَولة
بِها أَنتَ للعافين بِالبَذل جابر
10. And do not forget me in a village, some of its people
Are beasts and some are equal to inanimate objects
١٠. وَلا تَنسني في قَرية بَعضُ أَهلِها
وُحوشٌ وَبَعض للجَماد يُناظر
11. And all that is in it is heavy and cold
Except its running water, which is tepid
١١. وَكُل الَّذي فيها ثقيل وَبارد
خَلا ماءها الجاري بِها فَهوَ فاتر
12. And here I have shown my condition in presentation
And I am, in ease and hardship, grateful
١٢. وَها أَنا قَد أَبديت في العَرض حالَتي
وَإِني لَفي السَرّاء وَالضرِّ شاكر
13. And it is shameful for the asylum seeker to be blamed while you
In your time, are a fortress for chivalry and a supporter
١٣. وَحاشا يضام المُستَجير وَأَنتَ في
زَمانك حصن لِلمُروءة ناصر
14. May He who granted you an abundant grace keep you safe
Lasting the duration of the world and your glory humble
١٤. رَعاكَ الَّذي أَولاك سابغ نعمة
تَدُوم مَدى الدُنيا وَشانيك صاغر
15. And may you attain what you hope for in the shadow of a state
For which you are the best advisor and supporter
١٥. وَبَلغك المَأمول في ظل دَولة
لَها أَنتَ يا نعم المُشير الموازر
16. And may the Merciful support you with victory as long as
The secrets of our loyalty to your supremacy are pure
١٦. وَأَيدك الرَحمن بِالنَصر ما صَفَت
لِعلياك بِالإِخلاص مِنا سَرائر
17. And what I said in praising the beginning of my writ
Until now, no orders have been issued for my detention
١٧. وَما قُلت في حسن اِبتِداء صَحيفتي
إِلى الآن لَم تَصدُر بِقَيدي أَوامر