
How to reach the one who was a moon to me

كيف الوصول إلى من كان لي قمرا

1. How to reach the one who was a moon to me
Among the stars I loved and he loved me

١. كَيفَ الوُصولُ إِلى مَن كانَ لي قَمَراً
بَينَ الكَواكبِ أَهواه وَيَهواني

2. All lovers have illness in their bodies
From the beauty of his rising, O you who blame me

٢. كُلُّ المُحبين في أَجسامهم سقمٌ
مِن حسن طَلعته يا مَن تَلوماني

3. So leave off your advice and do not prolong
Reproach of the likes of me, the arrow of refusal has deafened me

٣. فَخلِّيا عَنكُما نصحي وَلا تُطِلا
في عذلِ مثلي فَسهمُ الصدِّ أَصماني

4. And precede with a gift over blaming the one
Who loves sweetness and the one who yearns for gazelles

٤. وَبادرا بمتابٍ عَن مَلامةِ مَن
يَهوى المِلاح وَمَن يَصبو لغزلان