
The Nile has watered the land of Sa'id

جبر الخليج روى بلاد سعيد

1. The Nile has watered the land of Sa'id
Under the auspicious skies of happy Egypt

١. جَبر الخَليج رَوى بِلاد سَعيدِ
في طالع بِسَماء مَصر سَعيدِ

2. And rain from this minister's comfort
Flooded the villages with a delta and plateau

٢. وَالغَيث مِن راحات هَذا الداوري
غَمر القُرى ببحيرة وَصَعيد

3. It clothed the land with a garment of fertility
Green with sound, right opinion

٣. وَكَسا البقاع مِن الخصوبة حلةً
خَضرا بِرَأي صائب وَسَديد

4. With its auspice, it carried the clouds a message
To the Nile about its limited appointment

٤. وَبِيمنه حمل السَحاب رِسالةً
لِلنَيل في مِيعاده المَحدود

5. So it came hurriedly to water its land
And inundate it with its abundant flooding

٥. فَأتى عَلى عجل لِيَروي أَرضه
وَيَعمَّها مِن فَيضه بِمَديد

6. And it mourned its ardent longing for it and described it
With thickets after the harvest was over

٦. وَرَثى لِفَرط حَنينها وَصَفا له
مِنها الحَشا بَعدَ اِنقِضاء حَصيد

7. It blushed on arriving to it
And revived its dead with roses

٧. وَصَبا لَها فاحمرَّ عِندَ وُصولِها
خَجَلاً وَأَحيا ميتها بورود

8. And its tearful sorrow turned green
And the plain yielded its expected righteousness

٨. وَاخضرّ غبَّ الريِّ مِنها حَزنُها
وَالسَهل جادَ ببرّه المَعهود

9. And it became, by the administration of the Almighty, fortified
Surrounded by armies and soldiers

٩. وَغَدَت بِتَدبير العَزيز حَصينةً
مَحفوفة بِعَساكرٍ وَجُنود

10. So may God protect the homelands for
Generations with awe and prosperity

١٠. فَاللَه للأَوطان يَكلؤه عَلى
طُول المَدى في هَيبة وَسُعود

11. To provide them advancement
And progress amongst the people anew

١١. لِيمدّها مِن عَدله بِتَمَدُّنٍ
وَتَقدّمٍ بَينَ الأَنام جَديد

12. And repel their enemy with cannons
Whose fires thunder in war

١٢. وَيَردَّ عَنها خَصمَها بِمَدافع
نيرانُها في الحَرب ذات رُعود

13. And may He shade us forever with the canopy of His shade
Triumphant over every envier

١٣. وَيظلَّنا أَبَداً بِوارف ظله
فيها وَيُرغمَ أَنف كُلِّ حَسود

14. And may He win fair praise and commendation
From every servant competent in glorious praise

١٤. وَيَفوزَ بالذكر الجَميل وَبِالثَنا
مِن كُل عَبد للمَديح مُجيد

15. The Nile in Egypt's cradle did not say, chronicling,
The Nile has watered the land of Sa'id

١٥. ما الخَصب قال بِمهد مصر مؤرخاً
جَبرُ الخَليج رَوى بِلاد سَعيد