
O son of Waddi, my hopes in you have failed

يا ابن ودي قد خاب فيك رجائي

1. O son of Waddi, my hopes in you have failed
Since you returned deceitful after being faithful to me

١. يا اِبن ودّي قَد خابَ فيكَ رَجائي
مُذ لِغدري رَجعت بَعدَ وَفائي

2. And you were unfair to me, to the extent that
It was clear you had discarded our brotherhood

٢. وَعَذولي عَليّ فَضلت حَتّى
لاحَ لي أَنكَ اطَّرحت إِخائي

3. And you broke your promise intentionally, yet I
Was hoping to meet, which increased my suffering

٣. وَلِوعدي أَخلفت عمداً وإني
كُنت أَرجو اللقا فَزادَ عَنائي

4. You used to be an opponent of the hypocrite
Yet now he's become your best friend

٤. وَلَقَد كُنتَ لِلمنافق خَصماً
فَغَدا الآن أَوّل الأَصدقاء

5. So if he aspires to aspirations of love
You don't oppose as if it's from the heavens

٥. فَاذا رام في الغَرام مَراماً
لَم تُخالف كَأَنه مِن سَماء

6. And if I say any sincere words
You don't listen to what I say in my affliction

٦. وَأَنا إن أَقل مَقال نُصوحٍ
لَستَ تُصغي ما قُلته لِبَلائي

7. And you inclined toward the despicable disgraced one
After you betrayed me and missed our meeting

٧. وَالبَليد المَهين ملتَ إِلَيه
بَعدَ ما خُنتَني وَعفتَ لِقائي

8. By my life, if you were lower with him
In the world you would have attained my wishes

٨. وَلعمري لَو كُنت عِندَكَ أَسوى
ظفره في الوَرى لِنلت منائي

9. So enough of this torment, for
My enemies have gloated over me, oh my seducer

٩. فَكَفاني هَذا العَذاب فَإِني
شَمتت بي يا فاتني أَعدائي

10. And time has shot me with an arrow from it
By which I became dead amongst the living

١٠. وَرَماني الزَمان مِنهُ بِسَهم
مِنهُ أَمسيت مَيّت الأَحياء

11. So if after this you still seek
My company, then desist for the sake of good separation

١١. فَلئن كُنتَ تَبتَغي بَعدَ هَذا
صحبتي فَاِنثَني لحسن الصَفاء

12. And keep away from a slanderer and envier
And a crude one, distant from your love's religion

١٢. وَتَباعد عَن عاذلٍ وَحَسودٍ
وَبَليد عَن دين حبك نائي

13. And if you don't want my rectitude then oppose
Wherever opposition is from my adversaries

١٣. وَإِذا لَم تَرد صَلاحي فَعاند
حَيث كانَ العِناد مِن خصمائي

14. And leave the heart aflame with rejection
Burning from the embers of hatred

١٤. وَدَع القَلب في لَهيب صُدود
يَتلَظى مِن فَوق جَمر الغَضاء

15. Perhaps God may have mercy on my body
And remove distress with nearing recovery

١٥. فَلعلّ الإِلَه يَرحَم جِسمي
وَيَزيل العَنا بِقُرب الشِفاء

16. And my tongue after that will chant
O son of Waddi, my hopes in you have failed

١٦. وَلِساني مِن بَعد ذَلِكَ ينشي
يا اِبن وَدّى قَد خابَ فيكَ رَجائي