1. Yusuf has virtues in the best of lands
With them, under the shade of justice, ranks are raised
١. لِيوسف في خَير البِقاع مَناقبُ
بِها في ظِلال العَدل تَعلو مَراتبُ
2. And his ambition in every matter is luminous
With a light by which in Egypt gloom is dispelled
٢. وَهمَّتُه في كُل أَمرٍ مُضيئةٌ
بِنور بِهِ في مَصر تُجلى غَياهب
3. And he has traits beyond counting
By the most splendid registers of virtues reckoned
٣. وفيهِ صِفات كَلَّ عَن حَصرِ بَعضِها
بِأَسنى سِجلات الفَضائل حاسب
4. And his supreme rank through him has been ennobled
And the planets have shone congratulating it before him
٤. وَرتبتُهُ العُليا بِهِ قَد تَشرَّفت
وَلاحَت تُهنّيها لَديهِ الكَواكب
5. So he continues with success to rise and ascend
And between people destinations are purified for him
٥. فَلا زالَ بِالتَوفيق يَسمو وَيَرتقي
وَتَصفو لَهُ بَينَ الأَنام مَشارب
6. And fortune serves him in the state of sublimity
And through him positions endure the length of time
٦. وَيَخدمه الإقبال في دَولة العُلا
وَتَسمو بِهِ طُول الزَمان مَناصب