1. Auspicious risings in the most auspicious mansions
Point to a Egypt with victory and help
١. طَوالع سَعد في مَنازل أَسعَدِ
تَشير إِلى مَصرٍ بِنَصرٍ وَسؤددِ
2. And glory, prosperity, prominence and loftiness
That last for her happy master Muhammad
٢. وَعزٍّ وَإِقبال وَجاه وَرفعة
تَدوم لِمَولاها السَعيد محمد
3. And how could it not when you have provided her
With complete justice and established in her
٣. وَكَيفَ وَبِالعَدل العَميم أَمدّها
وَأَسس فيها كُلَّ حُسن مشيد
4. Every fine exemplary structure
And in it the lights of your knowledge have shone
٤. وَفيها أَضاءَت نيرات عُلومه
فَأَشرَق مِنها وَجه مَولىً وَسيد
5. So from it the face of a master and sayyid shone
And which mighty one gained before him in the universe
٥. وَأَي عَزيز حازَ في الكَون قَبلَه
لُغاتٍ قَد اِمتَازَت بِأَعذَب مَورد
6. Tongues that have been characterized by the sweetest spring
By your father the Dauri Muhammad
٦. أَما وَأَبيك الداوريّ محمدٍ
عَليٍّ أَثيلِ المَجد أَفضل مُرشد
7. Ali the peerless ornament of glory, the best guide
And the good conduct among people you have followed
٧. وَحسنِ سلوكٍ في الأَنام اتبعتَه
بِحَزم وَتَدبير وَرَأي مسدد
8. With wisdom, management and sound opinion
And a tender heart adorned in you with compassion
٨. وَقَلبٍ رَحيم زانَه مِنكَ رَأفةٌ
تعم الرَعايا في العشية وَالغَد
9. Encompassing the commoners night and day
And a system you innovated to cheer the troops
٩. وَأَبهَج نظمٌ لِلجُنود ابتدعته
بذوق سَليم بِالنجاح معضَّد
10. With fine taste, buttressed by success
And the awakening of cannoneers for the service of cannon
١٠. وَإيقاظِ طوبجيٍّ لخدمة مدفع
وَتَحريض خيَّالٍ عَلى أَسر ملحد
11. And provoking cavalrymen against armies of atheists
And training riflemen in shooting in the fray
١١. وَتَمرينِ قرَّابٍ على الرَمي في الوَغى
بِنار رَصاص في حَشاشة مُعتدي
12. With the fire of bullets in the thick of aggressors
And the preparation of infantry columns for an attack
١٢. وَتَجريدِ أَوجيٍّ كميٍّ لوثبة
بِها يَبتَدي جَيش العِدا في التبدد
13. With which the army of enemies begins to waver
And the joining of your army by a zanji
١٣. وَإِقدامِ زنجيٍّ لعسكرك اِنتَمى
عَلى أَعظَم الأَخطار في كُل فدفد
14. Against the greatest dangers in every horror
And the investigation tasked to the order
١٤. وَسَعيٍ إِلى كَشف يُناط بِأَمره
مُهندسُ حَربٍ لِلحَقيقة مُهتَدي
15. Of a military engineer guided to the truth
And a Kaburji expert in his craft is carried
١٥. وَحملِ كبورجيٍّ خَبير بفنه
عَلى نصب كوبري العُبور لمقصد
16. To install the bridge of crossing for the goal
Egypt has blossomed in the season of the noble Birth
١٦. لَقَد أَزهَرَت مَصرٌ بِمَوسم مَولد
سَعيد جَدير ذكره بِالتَخلُّد
17. Happy worthy of eternity in remembrance
So excellent is this time that has come
١٧. فَيا حَبَّذا هَذا الزَمان الَّذي أَتى
بِأَبهى سُرور في التَهاني مُجدد
18. With the most beautiful joy in recurring congratulations
And O days of happiness boasting with the adornment
١٨. وَيا سَعدَ أَيام تَباهَت بِزينة
جمادى بِها أَضحى رَبيعاً لِمجتدي
19. Of Jumada in which springtime is made for the striving
And O its beauty when adorned with a parade
١٩. وَيا حسنها لَما تَحلت بِمَوكب
مِن الجُند يَزهو بِالسِلاح المُجرَّد
20. Of troops blossoming with bare weapons
And you in the field of glory mounted
٢٠. وَأَنتَ بِهِ في صَهوة المَجد راكبٌ
لَكَ السَعد يُومي أَينما سرت بِاليَد
21. Good fortune is yours whatever way you stretch out your hand
And those cannons with the salute declared
٢١. وَتِلكَ الطَوابي بِالتحية أَعلَنَت
مَدافع بشراها بِحُسن التَرَدُّد
22. Guns that greeted it with excellent repetition
And for the highest sphere above the earth faster
٢٢. وَللفلك الأَعلى مِن الأَرض أَسرَعَت
نُجوم شَواريخ بِها الرَكب يَهتَدي
23. Rockets of stars by which caravan is guided
And in the air the acrobat soared as though
٢٣. وَفي الجَوّ جال البَهلوان كَأَنَّه
جَواد عَلى الغَبرا يروح وَيَغتدي
24. A steed in the dust capering and frolicking
And the balloon had whispered the order in the sky
٢٤. وَقَد لَثم الهالون بِالأَمر في السَما
يَد المُشتَري قَبل المَسا بِالتَودد
25. The hand of Buyer before the Bear with courting
And the sound of the brass band rose with praises
٢٥. وَصَوت المَثاني قَد عَلا بِمَدائح
لَكَ اِنتَظمت في عَقد در منضَّد
26. For you strung in a necklace of precious pearls
And the beautiful whistling of the bugle captivated all who
٢٦. وَحُسن صَفير البُوق أَطرَب كُلَّ من
صَغى للبروجيِّ النَجيب المغرد
27. Listened to the noble, singing trumpeter
And the drum major struck with perfect order
٢٧. وَضَرب الترنبتجي بِتمِّ اِنتِظامه
يُنادي دوديجي بشكرك يبتدي
28. Calling the duty adjutant to thank you at first
And the tune of the musician takes to restraining
٢٨. وَلَحن المُويسقيِّ يَأَخُذُ بِالنهى
وَيُزري بِلَحن الموصليِّ وَمعبد
29. And disparages the tune of the Mosuli and Ma'bad
And each of honour won his share
٢٩. وَكُلٌّ مِن التَشريف أَحرَز سَهمَه
وَفازَ بِما أَولاه جُودُك مِن يَدِ
30. And attained what your generosity extended from its hand
And I hope there remain for Egypt and its people
٣٠. وَأَمَّل أَن تَبقى لِمصر وَأَهلِها
مَدى الدَهر مَسروراً بِجَيشٍ مؤيد
31. For the duration of time supported by a victorious army
And that every year be characterized with the season
٣١. وَأَن يَتَحلَّى كُل عام بِمَوسم
لِمولدك السامي بِأَشرَف محتد
32. Of your sublime Birth with the most noble celebration
And that it boasts of knowledge and cultivation
٣٢. وَأَن تَتَباهى بِالمَعارف وَالنَدى
سَليلِك مَن أَضحى بِسَيرك يَقتَدي
33. Your scion who has taken your life as his own guide
Your scion who has gained knowledge with his striving
٣٣. سَليلك مَن حازَ العُلوم بِجهده
فَأَنتَ سماها وَهوَ أَوّل فَرقد
34. So you are its heaven and he is its first polestar
Give him glad tidings born and you as father
٣٤. فَبُشراه مَولوداً وَبُشراك والِداً
لَكَ الفَضل يُقضى بِالعلا وَالتَفَرُّد
35. Supremacy is adjudged to you absolutely and uniquely
And you are not but the mighty of nations
٣٥. وَما أَنتَ لِلأَوطان إِلّا عَزيزُها
وَحافظها مِن خَصمِها المُتَمرّد
36. And their preserver from their rebellious adversary
And you are the supporter of religion and kingdom
٣٦. وَأَنتَ الَّذي للدين وَالملك ناصر
إِذا الحَرب قامَت بِالحسام المُهند
37. Whenever war rises with sharp swords
And you are the one from whose sea of generosity
٣٧. وَأَنتَ الَّذي مِن بَحر جَدواك يَرتوي
جَميع البَرايا مِن مُلوك وَأَعبُد
38. Is watered all prairies of kings and worshippers
And you bestow upon mankind without asking
٣٨. وَأَنتَ بِلا سؤل تجود عَلى الوَرى
فَتغنيهمُ بِالبَذل مِن غَير مَوعد
39. Enriching them with generosity without appointment
So I give below you O unique wondrous one
٣٩. فَدُونك مني يا عَزيز بَديعةً
مُنزهة في نَظمِها عَن تَعقُّد
40. A poem pure in its composition of intricacy
Adorn it when your attributes are presented with which
٤٠. حُلاها إِذا زُفَّت مَناقبُك الَّتي
بِها تَغتَني عَن لُؤلؤ وَزَبَرجد
41. You are enriched beyond pearls and gems
And I truly hope that its acceptance will be
٤١. وَإِني لأَرجو أَن يَكُون قبولها
شَهيداً عَلى إِخلاص عَبد مُوَحد
42. A witness of the sincerity of a devout servant
Saying on the occasion of Birth, recording
٤٢. يَقول بِأَعياد الولاد مُؤرِّخاً
سَعيد لَهُ في عامه خَير مَولد