
Does evil an eye of mud

أيظلم عين شينا ولي منه حافظ

1. Does evil an eye of mud
And I have from him preserver

١. أَيَظلِمُ عينْ شيناً ولي مِنهُ حافظٌ
يردّ بِسَيف العَدل كُلَّ المَظالمِ

2. Returns with sword of justice every the injustices
And with the truth he judges in my case which

٢. وَبِالحَق يَقضي في قَضيتيَ الَّتي
رَمانيَ فيها بِالجَفا وَالمَغارم

3. He threw at me with the aloofness and the fines
And that from him arising from alliance

٣. وَذَلِكَ مِنهُ ناشئٌ عَن تحزبٍ
عَليّ لأَمرٍ كشفُه غَيرُ لازم

4. Against me for a matter exposure of it other binding
Especially and I in birth and edge

٤. خُصوصاً وَإِني في تَليدٍ وَطارفٍ
حَسيبٌ عَلى عَلياك يا اِبن الأَكارم

5. Reckoner on your highs oh son of the generous
So take with hand mine and return on me my darknesses

٥. فَخُذ بِيَدي وَاردُد عليّ ظلامتي
وَعجِّل فَإِني طامع في المَراحم

6. And hurry so I coveter in the merciful
And enough with that I rising with him

٦. وَيَكفي بِأَني طالعِندَه
وَعاقبني مثل البَهائم