
The garden of beauty and elegance rose high

علا روضة الحسن الجمالية البها

1. The garden of beauty and elegance rose high,
From the breast of Ismail, perfect of virtues,

١. عَلا رَوضةَ الحُسن الجَماليةَ البَها
مِن الصَدر إسماعيل جمّ المَناقبِ

2. And in it he built the aqueduct of sweetness,
By which proverbs were coined after trials,

٢. وَفيها ابتنى فَبْرِيقَةَ السُكَّرِ الَّذي
بِهِ ضَرَبوا الأَمثال بَعدَ التَجارُب

3. So it became, through the wisdom he displayed,
A paradise on earth, East and West,

٣. فَصارَت بِما أَبدى مِن الحَزم جَنةً
عَلى الأَرض في شَرقيها وَالمَغارب

4. And that was only a desire for the prosperity
Of its resources in Egypt, clearing for the drinker,

٤. وَما ذاكَ إِلا رَغبة في رَفاهة
مَواردها في مَصر تَصفو لِشارب

5. And that is the grace of God, He gives it to whom He wills
And rewards through it the good and attainment of goals

٥. وَذَلِكَ فَضل اللَه يَؤتيهِ مَن يَشا
وَيَجزي بِهِ الحُسنى وَنَيل المآرب

6. And since this work was completed, I said, recording history,
"By the aqueduct of Ismail good came to the seeker."

٦. وَمُذ تمّ هَذا الصُنع قُلت مؤرّخا
بفبريقة إسماعيل نَفع لِطالب