1. The mouth smiles with wishes in your name
And good fortune for the supported, aided chest
١. ثَغر التَهاني بِالأَماني باسمُ
وَالسَعد للصدر المؤيد خادمُ
2. Where the Caliph has called him and around him
The sea of enemies, its waves clash
٢. حَيث الخَليفة قَد دَعاه وَحَوله
بَحرُ العِدا أَمواجُه تَتَلاطم
3. So he answered his call with the strength of one
To face the group with wisdom that resists
٣. فَأَجاب دَعوته بقوّة مفرد
لِلجَمع بِالرَأي السَديد يُقاوم
4. And he came in a hurry to extinguish the embers
That originated from the terrible, growing crisis
٤. وَأَتى عَلى عجل ليخمد جمرةً
في الأَصل منشؤها الوَخيم تَفاقم
5. And he stands for the Hanifi religion as a defender
Suitable for Allah from him for what he has
٥. وَيَقوم للدين الحَنيفي حسبة
لِلّه مِنهُ بِما لَديهِ يلائم
6. And he supports the great king with his money
From good management as is necessary
٦. وَيؤيد الملك العَظيم بِماله
مِن حسن تَدبير كَما هُوَ لازم
7. And he lightens the burdens off his sons
In a stance in which the adversary fails
٧. وَيخفف الأَثقال عَن أَبنائه
في مَوقف فيهِ يخيب مخاصم
8. And he protects them from every harm that worries them
Of extra plunder, loss and expenses
٨. وَيذود عَنهُم كُلّ غرٍّ همه
سَلب وَنَهب زائد وَمغارم
9. And with his insight that guides him ahead of them
Charms protecting from hardship are drawn from them
٩. وَبفطنة تومي إِلَيهِ بسبقه
عَنهُم تُماط مِن العَناء تَمائم
10. No wonder he is known for that as
Signs of it appeared in him before
١٠. لا غرو فهو بِذاك مَشهور كَما
ظهرت لَهُ مِن قبل فيهِ عَلائم
11. And in green Tunisia they raised a flag for him
With which winds come alive there
١١. وَبتونس الخَضراء قَد نشروا له
علماً بِهِ تَحيا هُناك نَسائم
12. And he has in every valley there a wide
Landmark that shows throughout time
١٢. وَلَهُ بها في كُل واد شاسع
تَبدو عَلى طُول الزَمان معالم
13. So Allah watches him with the eye of care
And through him the hardship on the servants passes
١٣. فَاللَه يَلحظه بِعَين عِناية
وَبِهِ يَزول عَن العِباد صَواكم
14. And aids him in their matter with bravery
With which the stubborn enemies soften
١٤. وَيعينه في أَمرهم بِشَهامة
مِنها تَلين مِن الخصوم شَكائم
15. And for him facilitates every difficult burden
For which the Arabs and non-Arabs yielded
١٥. وَلَهُ يسهِّل كُلَّ صَعبٍ حَملُهُ
مِنهُ اِستَقالَت عُربُها وَأَعاجم
16. And supports him with immediate victory
In which those he loves are subdued
١٦. وَيَمدّه مِنهُ بِنَصر عاجل
تَنقاد فيهِ لِمَن يُحب قَشاعم
17. And in him the hopes of the noble ones come true
Who trusted in him while he has great affairs
١٧. وَيُحقق الآمال فيهِ مِن الألى
وَثقوا بِهِ وَالخَطب فيهِ عَظائم
18. So he is the one hoped for to drive away the calamities
From their homes, and he is the decisive victor
١٨. فَهُوَ المرجى لاندفاع شدائد
عَن دارهم وَهُوَ الهزبر الحاسم
19. And for the state of Islam he is a supporter
With justice, feared by an unjust destroyer
١٩. وَلدولة الإِسلام مِنهُ ناصر
بِالعَدل يَخشاه مبيدٌ ظالم
20. And with his rationality the pride of the caliphate came to it
Struggling, so a stubborn father submitted
٢٠. وَبحزمه عز الخلافة جاءَها
يَسعى فذلّ لَها أَبيٌّ حاطم
21. And he rose to premiership from the light of his integrity
A light with which the upright Imam brightened
٢١. وَعلا الصَدارةَ مِن ضياء سَداده
نورٌ بهِ اِبتَهج الإِمامُ القائم
22. And the believers rejoiced for the fortune of his rising
And congratulated him, so the envier was angry
٢٢. وَالمؤمنون لَهُ بِطالع سَعده
فَرحوا وَهنَّوه فغص السادم
23. And prayed for his continuance in position
He is its most rightful and he is the wise decisive one
٢٣. وَتضرّعوا بِدَوامه في مسند
هُوَ أَهلُه وَهُوَ النبيل الحازم
24. And he is the trusted, faithful, brave believer
Who brings gains for the king and Islam
٢٤. وَهوَ الأَمين المؤمن الشهم الَّذي
للملك وَالإِسلام مِنهُ مَغانم
25. And with him straightness on the path of justice
Every crookedness to the protector breaks
٢٥. وَبِهِ اِستَقام عَلى صِراط عَدالة
كُلُّ اعوجاجٍ للحفيظة قاصم
26. And with Umar-like vigilance in it triumphant
The hypocrite escapes and the ruler settles
٢٦. وَبيقظة عمرية فيها نَشا
فَرّ المنافق وَاسقرّ الحاكم
27. And on the heads of the traitors is his sword
With which for interests he resolutely aims
٢٧. وَعلى رؤوس الخائنين حسامه
مِنهُ عَلَيها في المَصالح حائم
28. So whoever is bribed, cycles turn against him
For his deed, and the sentencing strikes his nape
٢٨. فمَن اِرتَشى دارَت عَلَيهِ دَوائرٌ
مِن فعله وَرمى قَفاه الراجم
29. And whoever transgresses, tyrannizes, defies his order
Is exiled, if not caught by the executioner first
٢٩. وَمَن اِعتَدى وَطَغى وَخالف أَمره
يُنفَى إِذا لَم يَلتقطه الصارم
30. And whoever mounts to embezzle
It throws him into doom when tried
٣٠. وَمَن اِمتَطى للاختلاس مطيةً
قذفت بِهِ في الهُلكِ حينَ يُحاكَم
31. And whoever stops his confusion in conduct
And intends and devotes sincerely, no blamer blames
٣١. وَمَن اِنتَهى عَن غيه في سيره
وَنَوى فَأَخلص لَم يَلمه اللائم
32. And whoever follows his advice to his Imam
With his guidance, then he is the winner on the straight path
٣٢. وَمَن اِقتَدى في نصحه لإمامه
بِهداه فَهوَ المستقيم الغانم
33. And Allah appointed him to help a nation
That succeeded for him in what it aspires
٣٣. وَاللَه قيَّضه لنصرة ملة
نجحت لَهُ فيما تَروم عَزائم
34. So for it is the good news for the long term
That he is its refuge and best merciful one
٣٤. فَلها به البُشرى عَلى طُول المَدى
فَهوَ الملاذ لَها وَنعم الراحم
35. And for it the hope combined with his management
Of winning, where he is the devout scholar
٣٥. وَلَها الرَجا المَقرون في تَدبيره
بِالفَوز حَيث هُوَ التقيّ العالم
36. And the gloom of worries that afflicted it will clear
While everyone around it sleeps
٣٦. وَسَتنجلي عَنها غَياهبُ كربةٍ
حلَّت بِها وَالكل عَنها نائم
37. And its pride will return however he wishes, and the nose
Of its harshest enemies reluctantly bending
٣٧. وَلَها تَعود كَما يَشاء فَخارُها
وَالأَنف مِن أَعدى عِداها راغم
38. O brilliant in one, best one who
Is praised in gatherings by a composer
٣٨. يا عالَماً في واحد يا خَير من
يُثني عَلَيهِ في المحافل ناظم
39. O mender of slips with the resolves
Against which the days and nights relent
٣٩. يا جابر العَثرات بِالهمم الَّتي
عَنها يكلّ الدَهر وَهوَ مسالم
40. The one at whose side the first eloquent
Are Ma'n, Ka'b and Hatem the foremost
٤٠. يا مَن يُعَدّ لَديهِ أَوّلَ باخلٍ
معنٌ وَكَعبٌ وَالمقدّمُ حاتم
41. O one from whom goodness overflows unto creation
From his comfort like the abundant seas rewards
٤١. يا مَن بِلا سؤلٍ يفيض عَلى الوَرى
مِن راحَتيهِ كَما البحار مَكارم
42. O one with whom Tunisia and all its lands
Were filled with kindness throughout existence
٤٢. يا مَن بِتُونس وَالبقاع جَميعها
عمَّت لَهُ في العالمين مَراحم
43. O one who answers when called and with his justice
Oppression without delay is repelled
٤٣. يا مَن يُجيب إِذا دُعي وَبعدله
مِن غَير تَسويف تُرَدّ مَظالم
44. O one whom Allah clothed with a robe of awe
To which hearts in the cosmos bowed
٤٤. يا مَن كَساه اللَه حلةَ هَيبةٍ
خضعت لَها في الخافقين ضَراغم
45. And it was agreed upon that indeed he
Is supreme in position, having no rival
٤٥. وَعَلَيهِ أَجمعت الخَلائق أَنَّهُ
هُوَ في مَقام الصَدر لَيسَ يُزاحم
46. I congratulate you with the new year, as it is
Coming to you with success that you anticipate
٤٦. بُشراك بِالعام الجَديد فَإِنَّهُ
لَكَ بِالنَجاح كما تؤمّل قادم
47. And accept the praises of a devotee who in you became
A star whose mansions are joys with you
٤٧. وَاقبل مَدائح مخلص بِكَ أَصبحت
قمراً مَنازلُهُ لَديك نَعائم
48. And reward him with the reward of content, for it is
What raises one high above the highest layers
٤٨. وَأجزه جائزةَ الرضا فَهِيَ الَّتي
يَسمو بِها فَوقَ السماك منادم
49. You still remain in the hand of premiership wining
With your achievement, as long as caller and faster prayed
٤٩. لا زلت في دست الصدارة فائِزاً
بِمناك ما صَلَّى وَلبَّى صائم
50. Or Majdi says in eulogy recording
The chest of the religion, always lasting glory
٥٠. أَو قال مجدي في الهَناء مؤرخاً
بِالصَدر خَير الدين جاه دائم