1. A palace of insight, where companionship is everlasting,
Surrounded by walls of felicity, standing tall.
١. سراية عرفان بِها الأُنس دائمُ
وَمِن حَولِها سُورُ السَعادة قائمُ
2. Its beautiful buildings are adorned with pearls,
Arranged in a unique necklace by a skilled composer.
٢. وَجيد مبانيها تحلَّى مِن العُلا
بِعقد فَريد فيهِ أَبدَعَ ناظمُ
3. In it the Emir has abodes for his subjects,
Which he illuminated for resident and visitor alike.
٣. وَفيها لِمَولاها الأَمير مَنازل
أَضاءَ بِها مِنهُ مقيم وَقادم
4. How excellent is its placement as a palace,
With Insight as its buyer, and Happiness its servant.
٤. فَيا حسنها في وَضعها مِن سراية
لَها المشتري عرفانُ وَالسَعد خادم
5. What benefit is there for a visitor at its gate
Except abundant spoils at every moment?
٥. وَكَيفَ وَمِن جَدوى يَديهِ لِوافدٍ
عَلى بابها في كُل وَقت مَغانم
6. Within it wellbeing and bounty come rushing forth
With gifts of generosity from his munificence and seal ring.
٦. وَفيها بِإِحسان يَبوء وَنعمة
عَلى الفَور مَعنٌ مِن نَداه وَحاتم
7. And one is granted esteem, prominence and stature
In its council, with jurist and scholar.
٧. وَيَحظى بإِكرام وَجاه وَرفعة
بِمجلسه فيها فَقيهٌ وَعالم
8. Beneath its lofty porticos one attains refuge and company,
Achieving safety as a sheltered, intimate companion.
٨. وَتَحت لوا عَليائه في رِحابها
يَفوز بِأَمن لائذ وَمُنادم
9. So it remains a place of abundant fortune and triumph
Against enemies, for the resolute victor.
٩. فَلا زالَ فيها وافر الحَظ ظافِراً
بِأَعدائه ما اِعتَزَّ بِالنَصر حازم
10. Its people, the wise and noble ones, have adorned it
With knowledge, wisdom and eloquence in Egypt.
١٠. وَما زانَها بِالعلم وَالحلم وَالبَها
بِمصر بَنوه الأَذكياءُ الأَكارم
11. I have not spoken of its glories as a chronicler,
Except to say: a palace of insight, where companionship is everlasting.
١١. وَما قُلتُ فيها لِلمَعالي مؤرخاً
سراية عرفان بِها الأنس دائم