1. By my father as a generous host
True to his word, fulfilling his promises
١. بأبي قسوراً كَريم المُحيّا
صادق الوَعد بِالعُهود وَفيّا
2. Wisely travelling in all affairs
With abundant resolve, brave like Haydar
٢. سافر الحزم في جَميع القَضايا
وَافر العَزم في اللِقا حَيدريا
3. The sole pride of the Tuways, the best prince
Whose virtues surpass the knowledgeable and ignorant
٣. أَوحَد الطوبجيان خَير أَمير
فَضله عَمَّ دانياً وَقصيا
4. May God grant him glory and splendor
And an exalted position forever
٤. زادَهُ اللَه رفعة وَسَناء
وَمَقاماً عَلى الدَوام عَليا
5. And protect him as guardian of fortresses
In Egypt’s sons, morning and evening
٥. وَرَعاه محافظاً لِقلاعٍ
في بَني مَصر بُكرةً وَعَشيا
6. Shattering with his sword the back of every foe
Who was strong in the field of battle
٦. قاصماً بالحسام ظَهر عَدوٍّ
كانَ في مَوقف النِزال قَويا
7. Apportioning among his troops with diligence
A share in which they remain content
٧. قاسِماً بَينَ جُنده باجتهاد
قسمةً لا يَزال فيها رَضيا
8. Raising in the fortresses banners of victory
Folding the life of all who rebelled
٨. ناشِراً في الحُصون أَعلام نَصر
طاوياً عمر مَن تمرّد طيّا
9. Burning in the fray with humiliating fire
Every tyrant and disobedient one
٩. محرقاً في الوَغى بِنار هَوان
كُلَّ مَن كانَ طاغياً وَعَصيا
10. He whom a sincere praiser adorns and boasts
Becomes weary from his call
١٠. ما تَحلى بِمدحه وَتَباهى
مُخلصٌ مِن نَداه صارَ مَليا
11. And starts praising him all the time
Wandering, travelling a straight path
١١. وَغَدا في ثَنائه كُلُّ وَقت
هائِماً سالِكاً صِراطاً سَويا
12. Longing for the noble's promise to be fulfilled
He has become quick to answer a request
١٢. طامِعاً في نجاز وَعد كَريم
مِنهُ أَضحى عَلى السؤال جريا
13. Hoping for his elevation's good favor
To make the miserable poor wealthy
١٣. راجياً مِن عُلاه حسنَ شَمولٍ
يَجعَل البائس الفَقير غَنيا
14. Spreading with prayer the relief of a servant
Truthful and pure, never ceasing
١٤. باسِطاً بِالدُعاء راحَة عَبدٍ
صالح لَم يَزَل صَدوقاً صَفيا
15. Confident that he will be answered as long as
He lives among people and intends good
١٥. وَاثِقاً أَنَّهُ يُجاب إِلى ما
رامَ بَينَ الأَنام ما دامَ حَيا
16. Why wouldn't he, when he feels safe and has no fear
Of injustice in the prince's company
١٦. كَيفَ لا وَهوَ آمنٌ لَيسَ يَخشى
في جِوار الأَمير ظُلماً بَغِيّا
17. So many have lived under his protection
Refugees far from their people, living comfortably
١٧. فَلَكم في حِماه عاشَ نَزيلٌ
نازحٌ عَن ذَويه عَيشاً هَنيا
18. And so many afflicted have gained wealth
From him they became generous and open-handed
١٨. وَلَكم مَعسرٍ أَصاب يَساراً
مِنهُ أَمسى بِهِ جَواداً سَخيّا
19. These are some of the virtues contained
In him, while benevolence was their essence
١٩. هَذِهِ بَعض ما حَوى مِن خِلال
كانَ معنُ السَخاء مِنها خَليّا