
With true words Majdi begins

يقول بالنص الصحيح مجدي

1. With true words Majdi begins
Starting with the name of the innovator

١. يَقول بِالنَص الصَحيح مَجدي
مبتدئاً باسم المعيد المبدي

2. Praying after praises and thanks
Upon a prophet who came from Mudar

٢. مُصَلياً بَعد الثَنايا وَالحَمد
عَلى نبيٍّ جاء مِن معدّ

3. Guiding the nomads with consent and good news
At six he entered school

٣. يَهدي البَرايا بِالرضا وَالبشرِ
في سنّ ست قَد دَخَلت المَكتبا

4. And in the Quran I had a teacher
Who read with the seven readings and each had grown up

٤. وَكانَ في القُرآن لي مُؤدّبا
يَقرأ بِالسَبع وَكُلٌّ قَد صَبا

5. To it when he became a father of knowledge
And utters from his mouth the precious pearls

٥. إِلَيهِ لَما صارَ لِلعلم أَبا
يَلفظ مِن فيهِ نَفيسَ الدرِّ

6. And after two and a half years
I was circumcised on the day of the ceremony

٦. وَبَعد عامين وَنصف عامِ
خَتنت يَوم مَوسم الخِتامِ

7. In which the sheikh won his goal
From my father and the loftiness of his position

٧. وَفيهِ فازَ الشَيخ بِالمَرامِ
مِن والدي وَرفعة المَقامِ

8. And got from my uncle a great reward
And since I reached nine my mother died

٨. وَنالَ مِن عمِّي عَظيم الأَجرِ
وَمُذ بَلغت التسع ماتَت أُمي

9. And before her my uncle had also died
So I increased from this affliction my worry

٩. وَقَبلَها قَد ماتَ أَيضاً عَمِّي
فَاِزداد مِن هَذا المصاب هَمي

10. And my body had fallen ill
And my tears had become like a flowing sea

١٠. وَالجسم مِني قَد رُمِي بِالسقم
وَمَدمعي أَضحى كَبَحر يَجري

11. And it was on Thursday after one
The death of a brother of mine after the loss of the mother

١١. وَكانَ في الخَميس بَعد الواحِدَهْ
مَوتُ أَخٍ لي بَعد فَقد الوالدهْ

12. So I was from those excessive misfortunes
Of no benefit to me is my life with my illness

١٢. فَكُنت مِن تِلكَ الخُطوب الزائِدَه
ما لي لسقمي في حَياتي فائِدَه

13. And I almost before the time ended my life
And after that I entered Helwan

١٣. وَكُدت قَبل الوَقت أَقضي عُمري
وَبَعد ذا دخلت في حلوانِ

14. In El Mir's school with the boys
And I won over my peers

١٤. بِمَكتب الميري مَع الغلمانِ
وَفُزت مِن سَبقي عَلى الأَقران

15. With the rank of cavash in my exam
And I had reached the age of ten

١٥. بِرُتبة الجاويش في اِمتِحاني
وَكُنت قَد بَلَغت سنَّ العَشر

16. And I was bored of Helwan with my peers
To El Giza the Bride forcibly by order of the governor

١٦. وَمِلت عَن حلوان مَع أَمثالي
لِلجيزة الغَرّا بِأَمر الوالي

17. But we from this now
Traveled to a lofty palace

١٧. لَكننا عَن هَذِهِ في الحال
سرنا إِلى قَصر مشيد عالي

18. And this was after a month and days
And this palace was Ein palace

١٨. وَكانَ ذا مِن بَعد سلخ شَهر
وَالقَصر هَذا كانَ قَصر العَيني

19. In it I stayed with them two days
Then I left barefoot

١٩. فيهِ أَقَمت مَعهم يَومينِ
ثُمَ اِنتَحيت لابس الخفين

20. The schools of languages without hesitation
After the exam gratitude returned to me

٢٠. مَدرسة الأَلسُن دُون مينِ
بَعدَ اِمتِحان عاد لي بِالشُكر

21. And for two and fifty mornings passed
That my transfer was in the middle of Safar

٢١. وَلاثنتين بَعدَ خَمسين ظَهرْ
أَن اِنتِقالي كانَ في نُصف صَفرْ

22. So I understood knowledge and stayed up at night
That I harvest what is good from sweet fruits

٢٢. فَهِمتُ بِالعلم وَلازَمت السَهر
كَي أَجتَني ما طابَ مِن حُلو الثَمَر

23. And dress in the clothes of supremacy and pride
And I have spent the most precious times

٢٣. وَأَكتسي ثَوب العُلا وَالفَخر
وَقَد صَرَفت أَنفُس الأَوقات

24. In memorizing whatever accurate languages
And in the lessons attentively

٢٤. في حفظ ما دَقَّ مِن اللُغات
وَكُنت في الدُروس بِالتِفات

25. I narrate the authentic speech from the trusted
From every knowledgeable eloquent scholar

٢٥. أَروي صَحيح القَول عَن ثِقات
مِن كُل يَعروفٍ لَبيب حبر

26. And every art from the arts of the Arabs
I have reached in it with my diligence the utmost skill

٢٦. وَكُل فَن مِن فُنون العربِ
بَلَغت فيهِ بِاجتِهادي أَربي

27. Especially the art of rare literature
For I have recorded it in books

٢٧. لا سِيما فَنّ غَريب الأَدَب
فَإِنَّني دوّنته في كُتب

28. To remain flawless until publication day
And in French my star rose high

٢٨. تَبقى بِلا طيّ لِيَوم النَشر
وَفي الفرنساوي تَعالى نجمي

29. And from it I have gained the most loyal share
And from its meanings my understanding was adorned

٢٩. وَمِنهُ قَد أَحرَزت أَوفى سَهم
وَمن مَعانيه تَحلّى فهمي

30. With the jewelry of the beautifully composed pearl
And the essence of the wondrous prose and poetry

٣٠. بِحلية الدُر البَديع النظم
وَجَوهَر اللَفظ العَجيب النَثر

31. And in three after fifty passed
I had from my father an elder brother in fate

٣١. وَفي ثَلاث بَعد خَمسين مَضى
لي مِن أَبي أَخ كَبير بِالقَضا

32. To the union of houris in the abode of bliss
But he sparked in me the fire of sorrow

٣٢. إِلى وصال الحور في دار الرضا
لَكنهُ أَجَّجَ لي نار الغَضا

33. When his body was buried in the grave
And this brother was in matters

٣٣. لَما تَوارى جسمه في القَبر
وَكانَ هَذا الأَخ في المَصالح

34. The captain of Ghalion at sea
And he was of resolve, successful insight

٣٤. قُبطان غَليون بِظَهر المالح
وَكانَ ذا عَزم وَرَأى ناجح

35. And profitable trade in everything
And expert in his travels at sea

٣٥. وَمَتجر في كُل شَيء رابح
وَخبرة في سَيره بِالبَحر

36. As for my father, because of his loss
He did not live except a year after him

٣٦. أَما أَبي فَإِنَّهُ لفقده
ما عاشَ إِلا حجةً مِن بَعده

37. And he rested in mercy in his grave
So his death from afar disturbed me

٣٧. وَقَد ثَوى برحمة في لَحده
فَراعَني لِمَوته بِبُعده

38. And I had patience for this affliction
And since I lost my family and relatives

٣٨. وَعيل مِن هَذا المُصاب صَبري
وَمُذ عَدمت الأَهل وَالأَقاربا

39. I became, while they were absent from my being
And after them I did not find a companion for myself

٣٩. أَصبَحت وَحدي عَن وُجودي غائِبا
وَلَم أَجد مِن بَعدهم لي صاحِبا

40. Nor a helper to deflect adversities
From me and strive to remedy my affair

٤٠. وَلا مُعيناً يَدفَع المَصائِبا
عَني وَيَسعى في تَلافي أَمري

41. And the illness overcame my heart
For a month and laid me in my bed

٤١. وَالعلة اِستَولت عَلى فؤادي
شَهراً وَأَلقتني عَلى وسادي

42. But despite that with my diligence
My ink did not dry up in this life

٤٢. لَكنَّني مَع ذاكَ لاجتهادي
ما جَفَّ في هَذا العَيا مدادي

43. Nor did I neglect study behind my back
And when recovery came

٤٣. وَلا طَرحت الدَرس خَلف الظَهر
وَعندَما تَوجه الشِفاءُ

44. And the medicine worked and the illness went away

٤٤. وَأَثمَر الدوا وَزال الداءُ