1. The honor of positions lies latent in you,
And you are the guarantor of decorated glory.
١. شرفُ المَناصب في جنابك كامنُ
وَلَأَنت لِلمَجد المؤثَّلِ ضامنُ
2. And when the army came under attack,
We said to it, "Rejoice, for you are safe."
٢. وَالجَيش لَما صارَ مِن تَحت اللوا
قلنا لَهُ بشراك إِنكَ آمن
3. O noble one, redeemed for supremacy,
In whom are signs and evidence of wisdom.
٣. يا أَيُّها الشَهم المُفدى لِلعُلا
وَالحَزم فيكَ عَلائمٌ وَقرائن
4. So when you charge the foes, there shall befall them
From your honed wrath what is sure to happen.
٤. فَإِذا حَملت على الخُصوم أَصابَهُم
مِن عضبك المَصقول ما هُوَ كائن
5. The lion shows that he fears you,
From his own terror, though rage boils within.
٥. وَاللَيث يُظهِرُ أن يَراك تَوَدُّداً
مِن رَوعه وَالقَلب فيهِ ضَغائن
6. And by your good counsel in war and otherwise,
The cities of many lands were opened to Egypt.
٦. وَبحسن رَأيك في الجِهاد وَغَيره
فُتِحت لِمصر مِن البِلاد مَدائن
7. And Kureid took pride in your most noble birth,
A pure and noble one, a kin to the Sa’uds.
٧. وَكريدٌ اِفتَخرت بِأَكرَم مَولدٍ
سامٍ شَريفٍ لِلسعود مقارنُ
8. And Egypt has abundant fortune in serving you,
By which you lit up the darkness of the gloomy.
٨. وَلمصر حظٌّ وافرٌ بخدامةٍ
مِنكَ اِستَنار بِها ظَلام داكن
9. And for its troops, O Prince, at times of distress,
Through you a clear opening, rarely matched.
٩. وَلجندها بِكَ يا أَمير لَدى الوَغى
فَتح مُبين لا يكاد يُقارَن
10. And for those you knew, protection
From every evil pursued by the betrayer.
١٠. وَلِمَن عرفت مِن الأَنام وقايةٌ
مِن كُلِّ شَر يَقتفيهِ تَغابن
11. And for those you saved from disasters, protection
Whether a shadow tilted or stillness moved.
١١. وَلِمَن أَجرت مِن الخُطوب حِمايةٌ
ما مال ظل أَو تحرّك ساكن
12. And for those who stripped for battle, a death
That comes while Mashrafiyya lies silent.
١٢. وَلِمَن تجرّد لِلنزال مَنيّةٌ
تَأتي وَصبح المشرفية داجن
13. And how often have steeds strained in generosity,
When the sword-arms of plain and mountain narrowed!
١٣. وَلَكَم عَن الجُود الجياد لَدى اللقا
ضاقَت مَياسرُ ساحةٍ وَميامن
14. And praise of you from the wilderness is one,
While in all the lands it is varied.
١٤. وَالمَدح فيكَ مِن البرية واحدٌ
أَبداً وَفي جلِّ الوَرى مُتباين
15. And how often a fiery meteor has been cast
At a renouncing apostate from his faith!
١٥. وَلَكم رُمِي بشهاب باسك مارقٌ
مِن دينه فيما يعاهد خائن
16. And how often a stalwart, effective champion
Turned his back, and death the sly overtook him!
١٦. وَلَكم كميٍّ باسلٍ ذي نَجدةٍ
وَلَّى فَأَدركه المَنونُ الحائن
17. And how many a prisoner from humiliating fetters
You freed, later followed by others.
١٧. وَلَكَم أَسيرٍ مِن قُيود مَذلةٍ
أَطلقتَه وَتَلاه بَعدُ رَهائن
18. And you forgave, after victory, the enemies,
Forgetting what they had done - and those are virtues.
١٨. وَعَفوتَ بَعد الانتصار عَن العِدا
وَنسيتَ ما فَعَلوا وِتلك محاسن
19. So accept the orphan of a thought that has come to you
From the conscience, of praise, treasures.
١٩. فَاقبل يَتيمةَ فكرةٍ جادَت بِها
لَكَ في الثَناء مِن الضَمير خَزائن
20. And reward your eulogist for his eulogy,
For that is enough, and the present reward.
٢٠. وَأَجز فتاك عَلى المَديح قبولَه
فَهُوَ الكِفايةُ وَالثَوابُ الراهن
21. And after the rank of Field Marshal,
Another for which congratulations will be timely.
٢١. وَبرتبة البَطل الفَريق وَبعدَها
أُخرى تَهنّأ ما تقرّب بائن