
O what a blessed time upon you, prosperous one

يا حبذا زمن عليك سعيد

1. O what a blessed time upon you, prosperous one
For you the Almighty looked with favor, prosperous one

١. يا حَبذا زَمَنٌ عَليك سَعيدُ
لَك فيهِ قَد نظر العَزيز سَعيدُ

2. To guard his fortress, he chose you, so it was awed
A formidable hero in fierce battles, unyielding

٢. وَلحفظ قلعته اصطَفاك فَهابَها
بطلٌ مهول في الحُروب شَديد

3. Why not, when you are for it the finest engineer
Through whom it obtained what it desires and wants

٣. لِم لا وَأَنتَ لَها أَجلُّ مهندسٍ
نالَت بِهِ ما تَشتَهي وتُريد

4. And you exerted in it, O Muhammad, great effort
Which has revealed from your elevation distant

٤. وَبَذلت فيها يا محمد همةً
قَد بان عَنها مِن علاك بَعيد

5. What an excellent protector you are, and the noble one
Who in knowledge and arts is unmatched

٥. نعمَ المحافظ أَنتَ وَالشَهم الَّذي
هُوَ في المَعارف وَالفنون فَريد

6. So race with your horses in fields of glory
And join the delight, for the enemy is outcast

٦. فَاركض بِخَيلك في مَيادين الهَنا
وصِلِ المَسرةَ فَالعدوّ طَريد

7. And support with your judgement the command of a king who
Has none but praise of his majestic lord's oneness

٧. وَانصر برأيك أَمر ملكٍ ما لهُ
إِلّا امتداح مليكه تَوحيد

8. Glory did not say your glory, O good tidings, for
You made guarding fortresses magnificent

٨. ما قال مَجد علاك يا بشرى فَقَد
أَرَّختُهُ حفظ القِلاع مَجيد