
My Lord, we implore You through our treasures,

إلهي توسلنا إِليك بذخرِنا

1. My Lord, we implore You through our treasures,
The intercessor of all creation, Taha, our hoped for prophet,

١. إلهي توسَّلنا إِلَيك بذخرِنا
شَفيعِ الوَرى طَه المرجىّ نَبيِّنا

2. And through al-Faris al-Karrar, Haydar, who
Eradicated the enemies in Mashrafiya and Qana,

٢. وَبِالفارس الكرّار حيدرةِ الَّذي
أَباد العِدا بِالمشرفية وَالقنا

3. And through al-Hasan al-Basri, the one granted loftiness
And knowledge worthy of praise and glory,

٣. وَبِالحسن البصريِّ مَن حازَ رفعةً
وَعلماً جَديراً بِالمحامد وَالثَنا

4. And through the Persian, the beloved who found guidance,
Through whom every devotee to the truth complied,

٤. وَبالعجميْ وَهوَ الحَبيب الَّذي اِهتَدى
بِهِ كُلُّ عبد للحقيقة أَذعنا

5. And through Ibn Nasir, singular of his time in piety,
And Ma'ruf al-Karkhi, the ocean of our knowledge,

٥. وَبابن نصيرٍ مفردِ الوَقت في التُقى
وَمَعروفٍ الكرخيِّ بحرِ علومنا

6. And through al-Sulami, the master unique of his era,
As well as through al-Junayd, the spiritual pole of our secret,

٦. وَبِالسقطيْ المَولى فريدِ زَمانه
كَذا بِالجَنيد القُطب صاحبِ سرّنا

7. And through al-Ghawth and Mashhad and all those affiliated
To him, who strove with invocations and was diligent,

٧. وَبِالغَوثِ ممشادٍ وَكُلِّ مَن اِنتَمى
إِلَيهِ وبالأذكار قَد هامَ وَاِعتَنى

8. Through Diya' al-Din Muhammad the knower,
And through al-Salik al-Bakri, epitome of our Messenger,

٨. بدينوريِّ العارفين محمدٍ
وَبالسالكِ البكريْ سميِّ رَسولِنا

9. Through the secret of Wajih al-Din of light and guidance,
And the esteemed judge who guided our judges,

٩. بسرّ وَجيه الدين ذي النُور وَالهُدى
وَأَرشد قاض فاضل مِن قضاتنا

10. As well through 'Umar al-Bakri, then Muhammad,
He is al-Suhrawardi who attained his wishes,

١٠. كَذا عمرِ البكريِّ ثم محمدٍ
هُوَ السهرورديُّ الَّذي فازَ بِالمُنى

11. And through the Pole Qutb al-Din, may his mystery be sanctified,
As well as through al-Najashi the pillar of our faith,

١١. وَبِالقُطب قطب الدين قُدّس سرُّه
كَذا بِالنجاشيِّ الموفق ركننا

12. And through Shihab al-Din, Muhammad by name,
And through Jamal al-Din, the sun of our path,

١٢. كَذا بشهاب الدين وَهوَ محمدٌ
كَذا بِجمال الدين شَمسِ طريقنا

13. And likewise through Ibrahim the ascetic who
Through self-discipline attained might and glory and splendor,

١٣. كَذاك بإِبراهيمٍ الزاهد الَّذي
بتكلان نال العزَّ وَالجاه وَالسَنا

14. And through al-Khalwati, Badr of guidance - that is, Abu
Muhammad known amongst us for his forbearance,

١٤. وَبالخَلوتيْ بَدر الهِداية أَي أَبي
محمدٍ المَشهورِ بِالحلم بَيننا

15. And likewise through 'Umar, the most eminent Shaykh who boasted
Of attachment to al-Khalwati, the cave of the beloved disciple ,

١٥. كَذا عمرِ الشيخ الأَجلِّ مَن اِعتَزى
إِلى الخلوتيْ كَهفِ المريد حبيبنا

16. And similarly through Mubarram and all those who emulated
Him, ascending the peaks of guidance and prospering,

١٦. كَذاك بمبرامٍ وَكُلِّ مَن اِقتَدى
بِهِ فَارتقَى أَوجَ الهِداية وَاِغتَنى

17. And through al-Hajj 'Izz al-Din, then in the presence of
Jalayir, Sadr al-Din, champion of our party,

١٧. وَبالحاج عزِّ الدين ثم بحضرة ال
جيانيِّ صَدرِ الدين ناصرِ حزبنا

18. And likewise through Yahya and al-Bahi Muhammad,
The descendant of Bahā' al-Din, the treasure of our treasure,

١٨. كَذاك بيحيي وَالبَهيِّ محمدٍ
سَليلِ بَهاء الدين ذي الفضل كنزنا

19. And through al-Jalabi the Pole, the sultan of his time,
And through Shaykh Khayr al-Din, the glorious, the best of us,

١٩. وَبالجلبيِّ القطبِ سلطان عصره
وَبِالشيخ خَير الدين ذي المَجد خَيرنا

20. And through al-Qastamuni, who is Shaban - through him
We were guided to Muhyi al-Din, the judicious shaykh,

٢٠. وَبالقسطموني وَهوَ شَعبانُ مَن بِهِ
هُدينا لمحيي الدين ذي الحَزم شَيخنا

21. And likewise through al-Fu’adi and al-Jurumi and Ali
The paşa, ally of guidance, our prince,

٢١. كَذا بِالفؤاديْ وَالجروميْ وَبِالقِرا
حَليفِ الهُدى الباشا عليٍّ أَميرنا

22. And through the knower Shaykh al-Husaybi al-Idarnawi,
The noble Muhayyī, Mustafa, the cave of our people,

٢٢. وَبِالعارف الشيخ الحَسيبِ الإِدَرْنَويْ
كَريم المحيّا مصطفى القوم كهفنا

23. Through ‘Abd al-Latif al-Khalwati and Mustafa
Rafi’ al-dhara al-Bakri the devout, our pillar,

٢٣. بعبد اللَطيف الخلوتيِّ وَمصطفى
رَفيع الذرى البكريْ التقيِّ عميدنا

24. And through al-Sayyid al-Hifni, then through Ahmad
His successor, al-Dardir, Muhyi of our customs,

٢٤. وَبالسيد الحفنيِّ ثم بِأَحمدٍ
خَليفتِه الدرديرِ محيي رسومنا

25. And likewise through al-Sabbani of miracles, the pious Salih,
And through al-Kamil al-Hadi, the upright Sulayman,

٢٥. كَذا بِالسباعيْ ذي الكرامات صالحٍ
وَبالكامل الهادي سَليمٍ تَقِيِّنا

26. Accept our supplication and pardon every believer,
And turn in forgiveness from our evil deeds,

٢٦. تقبَّل دُعانا وَاعفُ عَن كُل مؤمن
وَتب وَتجاوز عَن مساوي مسيئنا

27. And for the indigent composer, Your servant Salih,
Of abundant mistakes, pardon, for You remain the Benefactor,

٢٧. وَللناظم المسكين عبدِك صالحٍ
كَثيرِ الخَطا سامحْ فما زلتَ محسنا

28. And deal kindly with us, relieve our distress
Through the status of the Seal of Messengers, our intercessor,

٢٨. وَباللُطف عاملْنا وفرّج كروبَنا
بِجاهِ ختامِ المُرسلين شفيعنا

29. Blessings of God and peace be upon him,
And upon his Family and Companions, the supporters of our faith,

٢٩. عَليهِ صلاةُ اللَه ثم سَلامُه
مَع الآل وَالأَصحاب أَنصار ديننا

30. Especially the Truthful, the best of successors,
After whom came the Distinguisher with justice and splendor,

٣٠. وَلا سيما الصدّيق خَير خَليفةٍ
أَتى بعده الفاروقُ بِالعَدل وَالهَنا

31. And Uthman of the two lights, and the master saint
My master al-Hasan, the vast, swelling sea, our imam,

٣١. وَعُثمان ذي النورين وَالسَيد الولي
أَبي الحَسنِ البحرِ الخضمِّ إمامنا

32. Upon them from the All-Merciful, a thousand greetings
And a thousand peace, for as long as their splendor shines,

٣٢. عَليهم مِن الرَحمَن أَلفُ تَحيةٍ
وَأَلفُ سَلامٍ ما أَضاءَ لَهُم سَنا