
The governor has a distant grace, achievements

للداوري يمن بعيد أضاحي

1. The governor has a distant grace, achievements
Paired with success, care from him to keep the flock

١. لِلداوري يُمنٌ بَعيد أَضاحي
وَعزائمٌ مَقرونة بِنَجاحِ

2. Through his effort it attained great prosperity
His works for the land's benefit and reform

٢. وَعِناية مِنهُ بِحفظ رَعية
نالَت بِهمته عَظيم فَلاح

3. And truly he's the best appointed king
Whose threats make lions in thickets cower

٣. وَقِيامه فِيما يَعود عَلى الوَرى
في مَصره بِالنَفع وَالإِصلاح

4. It's he who ruled the country and its people
With justice, zeal and clemency

٤. وَعَلى الحَقيقة فَهوَ خَير مملَّك
تَخشى بوادرَه ليوثُ بِطاح

5. And strove therein for civilization's spread
Its morn and eve's advancement and approach

٥. وَهُوَ الَّذي ساسَ البِلاد وَأَهلَها
بَعَدالة وَحَماسة وَسَماح

6. His steeds raced in fertile plains swift and free
With surplus lead and wide berth as they encroached

٦. وَاِهتم فيها باِنتِشار تَمدن
وَتَقدم بِمَسائها وَصَباح

7. With this land he created what made it
Master of wealth's crisis and great approach

٧. وَجَرَت بِمضمار الخُصوبة خَيله
فَسَمَت بِسَبق زائد وَبراح

8. Made it strut in robes of bliss
Beneath the shade of spears and lances' broach

٨. وَبِهَذِهِ الأَوطان أَنشأ ما بِهِ
مَلكت أَزمة ثَروة وَرباح

9. Grazing in meadows of integrity,
Marveling in beauty's veil and coach

٩. وَغَدَت بِهِ تَختال في حلل الهَنا
مِن تَحت ظل صَوارم وَرِماح

10. Achieving lofty honor robed
In serious garb, no jest its broach

١٠. وَتَظل تَرتَع في رِياض نَزاهة
وَتَميس عُجباً في جَميل وشاح

11. Wise governance for it is healing
From deep afflicting wounds its approach

١١. وَتَفوز بِالمَجد الرَفيع وَتَكتَسي
أَثواب جد لم يُشَب بِمزاح

12. Eloquent his words that garlanded its cheeks
With genuine pearls, proficient their approach

١٢. وَقَويم تَدبير لَها فيهِ الشِفا
مِن مُعضِلات داميات جِراح

13. A smile plays on its lips in season
Of feast, after the rain's first encroach

١٣. وَلَقَد تَحلى جيدها مِن لَفظه
بِجَواهر في نَظمهن صِحاح

14. In his glory the historian declaimed
For the governor a distant grace, achievements

١٤. وَلَهُ تَبسم ثَغرَها في مَوسم
لِلعيد عَن در بَديع أَقاح

١٥. وَلَديهِ مَجدي قالَ فيهِ مؤرخاً
لِلداوري يمن بِعيد أَضاحي