
The blessed month of fasting has departed

شهر الصيام كثير الخير قد رحلا

1. The blessed month of fasting has departed
And its star in the sky of deeds has set

١. شَهر الصِيام كَثير الخَير قَد رَحَلا
وَنجمه في سَما الأَعمال قَد أَفلا

2. So our mosques have been dark since it left
Empty of all the lamps of night prayer

٢. فَأظلمت مُذ مَضى عَنا مساجدُنا
وَكُلُّها مِن مَصابيح القِيام خَلا

3. O my soul, did you perform in it any deed
That may bring salvation and triumph if accepted

٣. يا نَفس هَل فيهِ قَد قدمت مِن عمل
يَكون فيهِ النجا وَالفوز إن قُبلا

4. Rather, you busied yourself with burdens during it
Neither avoiding them for a time nor completing them

٤. بَل قَد عكفت عَلى الأَوزار فيهِ فَلا
أَحجمت عَنها إِلى حين اِنقِضاهُ وَلا

5. Yet it never complained of you to God, nor do I think
It conveyed the sin that transpired

٥. لَكنهُ ما اِشتَكى لِلّه مِنكَ وَما
أَظنه بَلَّغَ الذَنبَ الَّذي حَصَلا