
Mustafa appeared on the horizon of Saad and Soudad

بدا مصطفى في أفق سعد وسؤدد

1. Mustafa appeared on the horizon of Saad and Soudad
Like his father, he shone in Egypt like a planet

١. بَدا مُصطفى في أُفق سَعد وَسؤدد
كَوالده يزهو بِمَصر كَفَرقدِ

2. So the eminent said at his birth, recording
He brought intelligence to the sky, with the noblest birth

٢. فَقالَ العُلا عِندَ الولاد مؤرِّخاً
ذَكّي سَما صبحاً بِأَكرَم مَولد