
The schools rejoiced when you arrived unexpectedly

سعد المدارس وافاه بلا مهل

1. The schools rejoiced when you arrived unexpectedly
As soon as the eminent one appeared like the sun in its glory

١. سَعد المَدارس وافاه بِلا مَهلِ
لَما بَدا أَدهَمٌ كَالشَمس في الحَمَلِ

2. His knowledge shone brightly and rose high
In Egypt, spreading through the plains and mountains

٢. عَرَفانُه أَشرقت أَنوارُه وَعلت
في مَصر وَاِنتَشَرَت بِالسَهل وَالجَبل

3. If you deny the favors and knowledge he bestowed
That were adorned by his deeds

٣. إِن كُنتَ تُنكر ما أَسداه مِن نعمٍ
وَمِن عُلومٍ تَحلَّت مِنهُ بِالعمل

4. Leave off, o ignorant one, denying the recognition
That others attained in the early eras

٤. دَع عَنكَ يا جاهِلاً إِنكارَ مَعرفة
ما حازَها غَيرُه في الأَعصر الأُوَل

5. You, o blind one, are ignorant of his policies
After they became famous among all nations

٥. تَراكَ تَجهل يا أَعمى سِياستَه
مِن بعد ما اِشتهرت في سائر الدول

6. Have you not heard that the English saw
His works and acknowledged them without dispute

٦. أَما سَمعت بِأَن الانكليز رَأوا
أَعماله فَأَقرّوها بِلا جَدَل

7. The French in truth testified
To his sound opinion, free of error

٧. فَرانسا أَهلُها بِالحَقِّ قَد شَهِدوا
لِرَأيه الصائبِ الخالي عَن الخطل

8. Austria, Italy and Turkey were not ignorant
Of the status of this noble and valiant hero

٨. نَمسا وَإِيطاليا وَالترك ما جَهِلوا
مَقام هَذا الهمام الفاضل البَطَل

9. His lessons saved us from our misguidance
And guided us to the details and the whole

٩. دُروسُه أَنقذتنا مِن ضلالتنا
وَأَرشدتنا إِلى التَفصيل وَالجمل

10. O unveiler of harm from the fortress of arts, who
Revived its features in all avenues

١٠. يا كاشف الضر عَن حصن الفُنون وَمن
أَحيا مَعالمها في سائر السبل

11. The star of our delight rose on the horizon of our fortune
From the light of your planning, free of flaws

١١. نجم الهَنا لاحَ في أُفق السُعود لَنا
مِن نُور تَدبيرك العاري عَن الزَلل

12. Though your departure from us has harmed us
We are patient with misfortunes and tribulations

١٢. إِن ارتحالك عَنا قَد أَضرّ بِنا
لَكن صَبَرنا عَلى الأَهوال وَالعلل

13. He wished to extinguish out of envy
The light of our knowledge with ignorance and heaviness

١٣. أَرادَ يطفئ مِن حسدٍ
أَنوار عرفاننا بِالجهل وَالثقل

14. The cycles of anxiety turned within him in a land
Whose people he enveloped with grace and fine garments

١٤. دارَت بِهِ دائِرات الهَم في بَلَدٍ
حَبوتَ أَبناءه بِالفَضل وَالحلل

15. Alas, he will not achieve his goal with us
To remove you from us, out of fear of failure

١٥. هَيهات يُبلغ هَذابغيته
فِينا لدفعك عَنا ريبة الفَشل

16. Why do we not praise you, when you have granted us
More than we hoped for

١٦. ما بالنا الآن لا نثني عَلَيك وَقَد
منحتنا فَوقَ ما نَرضى مِن الأَمَل

17. With determination, you revived the endowment itself from passion
For good; and the matter in this regard is clear

١٧. بِالحَزم أَحييت نَفس الوَقف مِن شغفٍ
بِالخَير وَالأَمرُ في هَذا المَقام جلي

18. You strengthened its structure in our Egypt, so it is free
By your good opinion, of defects and flaws

١٨. أَحكمت بنيانه في مصرنا فَخَلا
بِحُسن رَأيك عَن عَيبٍ وَعَن خَلل

19. You erected its pillars in a faith made fortunate
By the full moon of your understanding, outstanding among religions

١٩. شَيدت أَركانه في ملَّةٍ سعدت
بِبَدر فهمِك وَاِمتازَت عَن المِلَل

20. As for issues, you clarified their complexity
And you did not refrain from proving due to boredom

٢٠. أَما القَضايا فَقَد أَوضحت مشكلَها
وَما عدلتَ عَن الإِثبات مِن ملل

21. You raced its meadows with steeds of experience
With opinion upon meeting, and striking with weapons

٢١. رَكضتَ في رَوضها أَفراسَ مختبرٍ
بِالرَأي عِندَ اللقا وَالطَعنِ بِالأَسل

22. You reached beyond what you hoped for, and your noble traits
Do not remain hidden from any man

٢٢. بلغت فَوقَ الَّذي أَمَّلتَه وَغَدَت
أَوصافك الغرّ لا تخفى عَلى رجل

23. You created well-described weapons that suppressed
The people of corruption, slander, and tricks

٢٣. أَنشأت أَسلحةً مَوصوفةً قمعت
أَهل المَفاسد وَالبُهتان وَالحيل

24. Because iron is for David, you added for us
In its making, the craft of softening and melting

٢٤. لانَ الحَديدُ لِداودٍ فزدتَ لَنا
في صُنعه صَنعةَ الأَهوانِ وَالكِلَل

25. You were taught the knowledge of Solomon and his logic
So you became for knowledge and deeds like a parable

٢٥. عُلِّمْتَ عِلمَ سليمانٍ وَمنطقَهُ
فَصرت للعلم وَالأَعمال كَالمثل

26. You remain the best father for virtue and management
Who governs his children while others are in confusion

٢٦. لا زلت للفضل وَالتَدبير خَير أَب
يَسوس أَبناءه وَالغَيرُ في خبل

27. And you have not ceased to be gifted with our praises
For what your busy thoughts generously bestow

٢٧. وَلا برحت تُهادَى مِن مَدائحنا
بِما تَجود بِهِ أَفكار مشتغل

28. I did not say on the day of clarity, when the sun was shining,
The schools rejoiced when you arrived unexpectedly

٢٨. ما قُلتُ يَوم الصَفا وَالشَمسُ مُشرِقَةٌ
سَعد المَدارس وافانا بِلا مهل