1. O Kaaba, we strive towards you and intend,
And we circumambulate around your sanctuary, for it is a mosque,
١. يا كَعبة نَسعى إَلَيك وَنَقصدُ
وَنَطُوف نَحوَ حِماك إِذ هُوَ مَسجدُ
2. O you who stand alone with every virtue,
O unique prince, nay, O precious gem,
٢. يا مُفرَداً يَسمو بِكُل فَضيلة
يا أَوحَد الأَمراء بَل يا فرقد
3. Good tidings to you, for the trustworthy boy Muhammad,
Is a full moon, before whose rising the stars bow down,
٣. بُشراك فَالنجل الأَمين محمدٌ
بَدر لطلعته الكَواكب تَسجُد
4. The sun shone with his light and radiated through him,
And the clouds competed to give him shade the day he was born,
٤. جادت بِهِ شَمس بِنُورك أَشرَقَت
وَسَحاب أَعداها جَلاه المَولد
5. Time greeted him with peace and swore that,
He would rise above the brilliant stars that blame and envy,
٥. وَالدَهر سالمها وَأَقسم أَنَّهُ
يَسطو عَلى لاحٍ يَلوم وَيحسد
6. Good fortune met him and historians called out,
With glad tidings and divine aid, Muhammad is generous.
٦. وَالسَعد وافاها وَقال مُؤرّخا
بِالبشر وَالتَوفيق جادَ محمد