1. Ismail's virtues, peerless in his time
In Egypt, became, through his praise, Tommy
١. محاسن إسماعيل وَاحد عَصرِهِ
بمصر غَدَت تومي بحسن ثَناهُ
2. And in the garden of perfect beauty he scorned
What the pillar-like structure contained of its architecture
٢. وَفي رَوضة البَدر الجَمالية اِزدَرى
بِما قَد حَوَت ذات العِماد بِناه
3. Especially the gleam of sugar that
Removed the sorrow from the body of the sick
٣. وَلا سِيما فَبريقة السُكَّر الَّذي
بِهِ زالَ عَن جسم العَليل ضَناه
4. So I said sincerely, thanking its supremacy
Through your skill perfection attained its purpose
٤. فَقُلت بِإِخلاص لِعلياهُ شاكِراً
بِدَولتك الإِتقان نال مُناه
5. And praised him, fame, in this chronicling
The taste of Ismail its years told
٥. وَأَثنى عَلَيهِ المَجد في ذا مؤرِّخاً
عَلى ذَوق إِسماعيل دل سَناه