
We meet a radiant beauty, daughter of bygone eras

بنا نجتلي صهباء بنت دهور

1. We meet a radiant beauty, daughter of bygone eras
In the gardens of delight, in a time of spring

١. بَنا نجتلي صَهباء بنتَ دهورِ
بِرَوض التَهاني في زَمان حبورِ

2. She roams amongst the regretful like a gazelle
Suns emerge from between her veils

٢. تَدور بِها بَين النَدامى كَواعبٌ
برزن شُموساً مِن خِلال خُدور

3. Come, let us revive the customs of allurement
Its pleas have called us to joy

٣. وَهَيا بِنا نُحيي رُسومَ خلاعةٍ
دَعَتنا إِلَيها داعياتُ سُرور

4. And let us wander lost in silken clothes
Her crowns made of blooming flowers

٤. وَنَختال تيهاً في مَلابس سُندسٍ
أَكاليلها مِن يانِعات زُهور

5. And let us incline to the religion of love, even if
A shy gazelle is inclined to aloofness

٥. وَنَصبو إِلى دين الغَرام وَإِن جَفا
غَزال كِناسٍ مُولعٌ بِنفور

6. And let us pause our most precious souls
Upon loving songs though citadels are in ruin

٦. وَنوقف مِنا غالياتِ نُفوسنا
عَلى عشق غيد حاليات ثغور

7. And in the custody of pleasures let us take off
The banners of love, but without disgrace

٧. وَفي ذمة اللذات نَخلع بِالرضا
شِعارَ الهَوى لَكن بِغَير فجور

8. And let us fold the prayer rug not out of heresy
Or sudden denial and inadequacy

٨. وَنطوي بِساط النسك لا عَن ضلالة
وَلا عَن جحود طارئٍ وَقصور

9. But because illness has come upon this body and arisen
And it did not get up to attain rewards

٩. وَلَكن لسقمٍ حلّ بِالجسم فَاِنبَرى
وَكَلَّ فلم يَنهض لِنيل أُجور

10. And from excessive emaciation it became as if it were
An apparition whose traits faded behind veils

١٠. وَأَصبَح مِن فَرط النحول كَأَنه
خَيال تَوارى رَسمُه بستور

And if not for love, misery would not have led me

١١. فَلولا الهَوى ما كانَ أَودى بي الضَنى
إِلى ما تَرى مِن بَعد فَقد شُعوري

12. To what you see after having lost my senses
And if not for love, my secret would not have spread

١٢. وَلَولا الهَوى ماذاع سري وَلا غَدَت
عَلى الخَدّ تَجري داميات بُحور

13. Nor would tears flow down my cheek
Nor would my insomnia last on nights of separation

١٣. وَلا طالَ سهدي في لَيالي ذَوائبٍ
وَلا في لآلي مبسم وَنُحور

14. Nor at dawn or dusk
Nor in intoxicating lips whose touch

١٤. وَلا في شِفاهٍ سكريٍّ رَضابُها
لَهُ في زَوال العَقل فِعلُ خمور

15. Has the power to strip the mind of reason
Nor in breasts below whom none who desired to embrace them

١٥. وَلا في نُهود دُون مَن رام ضَمَّها
مِن النبل ما يُصمي بِدُون فُتور

16. Could match in valor without tiring
Nor did a branch sway my compassion

١٦. وَلا هَز عَطفي للنَسيب أَهلةٌ
تَلوح عَلى أَغصانِها كَبدور

17. Where blossoms appear upon its branches
Nor in my youth did rapture move me

١٧. وَلا حرّكتني في الصَبابة نَشوةٌ
إِلى غانيات ناحِلات خُصور

18. To singing girls with swaying hips
Nor was there in me before my inclination to gazelles

١٨. وَلا لان مِني قَبلَ مَيلي إِلى الظبا
فُؤادٌ يُحاكي قاسيات صُخور

19. A heart emulating hard rocks

١٩. فُؤاد كَميّ في الوَرى بَيد أَنه
عَلى الكَرّ في الهجران غَير صَبور

20. A heart as solid as rocks in estrangement, but
Impatient when faced with separation

٢٠. وَلا بِتُ أَرعى كُلَّ نَجمٍ لناظري
بَدا في الدَياجي مِنهُ لامعُ نُور

21. Nor did I stay up watching every star
Whose shining light appeared in the darkness

٢١. فَكَيفَ أُداري ما بَراني مِن الجَوى
وَشاحبُ لَوني ترجمانُ ضَميري

22. So how can I endure what love has shown me
While my complexion speaks for my conscience

٢٢. وَنِيران وَجدي دُونَها بَين أَضلُعي
وَفي كبدي الحرّى شَواظُ سَعير

23. And the fires of passion within my ribs
And in my liver there are embers of hellfire

٢٣. وَحَسبي أَني ما هَمَمت بِسَلوة
لِتَعنيف عذَّال وَجَفوة حُور

24. And it suffices that I did not intend to blame
A cruel and aloof gazelle

٢٤. وَما لملالٍ مِلتُ عَنها وَإِنَّما
شُغفت بِمَدحي في أَجلّ مشير

25. But rather I was preoccupied with praising
The most auspicious patron

٢٥. هُوَ الشَهم تَوفيق المَعالي وَمَن بِهِ
يُفاخر ذُو تاج وَصَدر صُدور

26. He is the valiant Tawfiq of glories, the one with whom
A crowned and honored king would boast

٢٦. لَهُ اللَه مِن شبلٍ سَليل مملَّكٍ
يَردّ عَن الأَوطان بَأس هصور

27. God has granted him a cub, descendant of a royal line
Who drives danger away from homelands

٢٧. فَمَن يَستَطيع الآن كتمانَ فَضله
وَشَمسُ علاه آذنت بِظُهور

28. So who can now conceal his merit
When the sun of his ascent has given notice of appearing

٢٨. وَفي هَذِهِ الأَيام أَضحى بِعدله
لملك خديوي مَصر خَير ظَهير

29. And in these days, with his justice, he has become
For the Khedive of Egypt the best supporter

٢٩. وَكُل امرئ أَثنى لِسان مَقاله
عَلَيه بِصدق في بَهيج عُصور

30. And every person whose tongue has praised him
Sincerely, in this splendid age

٣٠. وَآراؤه دَلت بِحُسن سَدادها
عَلى حازم سامي المَقام خَطير

31. His views have shown by their precision
A vigilant lofty one, wise

٣١. وَمُذ قامَ بِالتَوكيل في مَصر عَن أَب
جَليل مَليك العَصر حال مَسير

32. And since he took up the delegation in Egypt from a
Noble father, king of the time, protector

٣٢. جَرى في مَيادين العَدالة طِرفُه
فَفازَ بِسَبق في جَميع أُمور

33. In the arenas of justice, his gaze
Won precedence in all matters

٣٣. تَصوّر مِن حلم وَعَزم وَرَأفة
وَأَوفر فَهم للعلوم نَصير

34. Envisioned from clemency, resolve, and kindness
And ample understanding of knowledge, an ally

٣٤. وَقَد سرّت الأَمصار مِنهُ بِناهض
لإِنصاف مَظلوم وَجَبر كَسير

35. The lands were delighted by his energetic
Advocacy for the oppressed and freeing the captive

٣٥. وَثاقب فَكر صَوب سامي عَزيمة
لِنَيل مُراد فيهِ قمعُ مبير

36. And penetrating thought matching lofty determination
To achieve what is desired in which destruction of the stubborn

٣٦. وَنصح خَليل مُخلص في وِداده
لِأَسمى مَليك بِالثَناء جَدير

37. And the advice of a loyal friend in his affection
For the highest king, praiseworthy

٣٧. وَرفعة قَدر لا تَزال مُشيرةً
بِشُكر لِمَن أَولى أَجلّ سَرير

38. And the loftiness of his worth continues indicating
With thanks to the one who gave the most majestic throne

٣٨. وَسَعيٍ إِلى نَفع الأَنام بِهمة
تُشير إِلى رشد النُهى بِوفور

39. And effort for benefiting the people with an ambition
That indicates proper guidance abundantly

٣٩. وَفَصل خطاب في القَضايا دَليله
بِشارح قَول لَم يُقَس بِنَظير

40. And precise speech in issues whose proof is
An elucidator whose saying has not been matched

٤٠. وَنَفس كَريم أَنبأتنا بِأَنَّهُ
عصام وَلا يُنبيك مثل خَبير

41. And a noble soul that has informed us that he
Is self-sufficient - an expert would not reproach its like

٤١. فَيا اِبن خَديوي مَصر لا زلت راقياً
إِلى أَوج ملك للنجاح سَمير

42. So O son of the Khedive of Egypt, you continue rising
To the pinnacle of success for kingship, well-guided

٤٢. وَلا زلت مَشمولاً بِعَين عِناية
مِن اللَه ما طابَ اِنتشاق عَبير

43. And you continue to be in the care of providence
From God - the scent of ambergris is sweet

٤٣. وَما أَشرَقت في مَصر شَمس تَمدّن
أَبوك لَهُ قَد شادَ أَرصن سُور

44. Your father established its pillars in Egypt
After desolation - and did not cease

٤٤. وَأَحياه مِن بَعد اِندِراس وَلَم يَزَل
يُعاهده مِن طيه بِنُشور

45. Renewing its decrees from rebuilding it
And Majdi did not say in congratulations, recording

٤٥. وَما قالَ مَجدي في التَهاني مُؤرّخاً
تَوكل تَوفيق أَحب وَزير