
Had Eve known that joining with Adam

ولو علمت حواء أن اجتماعها

1. Had Eve known that joining with Adam
Would bring her the worst of calamities later,

١. وَلَو عَلمت حَوّاء أَن اِجتماعَها
بِآدم يَأتيها بشرّ الأَواخرِ

2. She would not have allowed her husband to be with her even for a day,
Nor would she have borne from him the most wicked transgressor.

٢. لَما سَمحت بِالوَصل يَوماً لبعلها
وَلا حَملت مِنهُ بِأَخبَث فاجر

3. But she brought him into the world against her will,
So Iblis gained all glories through him.

٣. وَلَكنها جاءَت بِهِ رَغم أَنفِها
فَنالَ بِهِ إِبليس كُلَّ المَفاخر

4. How could it be otherwise when they both strayed into sin and deception,
And he raised him in every sort of outrage.

٤. وَكَيفَ وَقَد جاراه في الغَي وَالخَنا
فَأَربى عَلَيهِ في جَميع الكَبائر

5. He is but greedy in evil,
Far be it from comparing him with the gentle.

٥. وَما هُوَ إِلا أَشعب في شَراهة
وَفي اللؤم حاشا أَن يُقاس بِمادر

6. He is but foolish in wisdom,
And in madness he is but clamoring.

٦. وَما هُوَ إِلا باقلٌ في فَهاهة
وَما هُوَ في الهَيجاء إِلا كَصافر

7. Why do I see the wise humbled before the ignorant?
Why do I see the blind considered as seeing?

٧. فَما لي أَرى العرفان ذلّ لجاهل
وَما لي أَرى الأَعمى يُعَدّ كَناظر

8. Why do I see the enlightened grow distant?
And the atheist gained wishes without gratitude.

٨. وَما لي أَرى أَهل الرَشاد تَباعَدوا
وَنال الأَماني مُلحد غَير شاكر

9. Why do I see sciences governed
By an ignorant one who has become authoritative and commanding?

٩. وَما لي أَرى أَن العُلوم يَسوسُها
غَبيّ لَها أَمسى كَناهٍ وَآمر

10. Do I not have an excuse when I said, chronicling,
That knowledge has maliciously sunk to the bottom of graves?

١٠. أَما ليَ عذرٌ حَيث قُلت مُؤرِّخاً
هوَى العلم حقداً في قَرار المَقابر