
Eid Al-Adha is for the happy one, who feasts

عيد الأضاحي للسعيد منادم

1. Eid Al-Adha is for the happy one, who feasts
In Egypt, and glory serves obediently

١. عيد الأَضاحي للسعيد منادمُ
في مصر وَالمَجد المؤثل خادمُ

2. And all the days of the dear one are as though
Festivals of honor for us and seasons

٢. وَجَميع أَيام العَزيز كَأَنَّها
أَعيادُ تَشريفٍ لَنا وَمَواسم

3. And through his happy reign we always have
Among people, gifts and spoils

٣. وَلنا بِدَولته السَعيدة دائِماً
بَين الأَنام مَواهبٌ وَمَغانم

4. And through his noble opinion our age
For all inhabitants of the countries is peaceful

٤. وَبِرأي حضرته الشَريفة دَهرُنا
لِجَميع سُكان البِلاد مسالم

5. And his soldiers around him on the day of battle
Their bravery is feared by the opposing chief

٥. وَجُنوده مِن حَوله يَوم الوَغى
يَخشى بسالتَها زَعيمٌ راغم

6. So among the cavalry is one whom his sword humiliates
After pride in the fight an opponent

٦. فمِن السواري مَن يذل لسيفه
مِن بَعد عزٍّ في النِزال مخاصم

7. And among the infantry lions of the jungle if they pounce
And a protector in wars resists

٧. وَمِن المشاة أَسودُ غاب إِن سَطَوا
وَلَّى همامٌ في الحُروب مقاوم

8. And the canons of the artillery demolish what was built
Of every fortress competing with the clouds

٨. وَمدافع الطوبجيّ تهدم ما بنى
مِن كُل حُصن للسَحاب يزاحم

9. And the Oceanians as though from their lightness
Birds above the head of the hypocrite wandering

٩. وَالأوجيان كَأَنَّهُم مِن خفةٍ
طيرٌ عَلى رَأس المنافق حائم

10. And the lancers with their spears underneath the iron
In them death stands on the tongues

١٠. وَالزرخ مِن تَحت الحَديد رماحهم
فيها المَنونُ عَلى الأَسنة قائم

11. And the blacks what between the battalions their opponent
Their father Adam defeats in the melee

١١. وَالزنج ما بَين الكَتائب خصمُهم
يُرديه في الهَيجا أَبوهم آدم

12. And the Coptic soldiers in peace and in
War have great constant benefit

١٢. وَعَساكر الكوبريّ في سلمٍ وفي
حَربٍ لَهُم نَفعٌ عَظيم دائم

13. And the army strives and the engineer before it
Come to it in exploration some features

١٣. وَالجَيش يَسعى وَالمهندس قَبله
تَأتي لَهُ في الكَشف مِنهُ مَلاحم

14. As for the musician so in his melodies
A call to acquire what is necessary

١٤. أَما المويسيقي فَفي أَلحانه
حَثٌّ عَلى تَحصيل ما هُوَ لازم

15. And an increase in love of the countries guided
By its happy one, and he is the mighty ruler

١٥. وَزِيادة في حُب أَوطان سَمَت
بِسعيدها وَهُوَ العَزيز الحاكم

16. And he is the one who raised the soldiers in a state
In which the dormant zeal for it was awakened

١٦. وَهوَ المربّي للجنود بِدَولة
فيها تَيَقَّظَ للحَماسة نائم

17. And he is the one whose kindness flowed upon all the lands
In his Egypt, of his comforts and generosities

١٧. وَهوَ الَّذي فاضَت عَلى كُل الوَرى
في مَصره مِن راحتيه مَكارم

18. And by his justice, and his is eternal existence, has been guided
To praise him between humanity a composer

١٨. وَبعدله وَلَهُ البَقاء قَد اِهتَدى
لِمَديحه بَينَ البَرية ناظم

19. So he covered buildings in a woven garment
With the wonderful meaning, in which the passionate is perplexed

١٩. فَكَسا المَباني حلةً محبوكة
بِبَديع مَعنىً هام فيهِ الهائم

20. And he filled volumes with rhymes, loyally
In the religion of gratitude, supported by pillars

٢٠. وَمَلا الطُروس مِن القَوافي مُخلِصاً
في دين شكر ثبتته دَعائم

21. And upon the basin of his praise in the monastery
Lie the worshipper and the devout faster

٢١. وَعَلى حياض ثَنائه في الداوري
وَرد المصلِّي وَالتقيُّ الصائم

22. And all have extended palms praying
For the continuance of his state, and the world wished

٢٢. وَالكل قَد بَسَطوا أَكف ضَراعة
بِدَوام دَولته وَأَمَّن عالم

23. Especially on a day of intimacy in which
The processions and happiness were lasting

٢٣. لا سِيما في يَوم أُنس أَقبَلَت
فيهِ المَواكب وَالسُرور ملازم

24. And by it the displays vied and became prouder in their march
With their armors and the protector protected sternly

٢٤. وَبِهِ تَباهَت وَاِزدَهَت في سَيرِها
بدروعها وَحَمى حِماها صارم

25. And the officials and the ranks in the morning
Among them the newcomer won acceptance

٢٥. وَذوو المناصب وَالمَراتب في الضحى
قَد فازَ مِنهُم بِالقبول القادم

26. And they prepared in the adornment calmly
For the customs of honor and conviviality was good

٢٦. وَتَأهبوا في زينة بسكينة
لرسوم تشريفٍ وَطاب تَنادم

27. And they enjoyed kissing the feet of the happy one
And time in the abode of joy was smiling

٢٧. وَبلثم أَقدام السَعيد تمتعوا
وَالدَهر في دار المسرّة باسم

28. So I came on the great feast congratulating
On the immortality of the secret of the kingdom from him the world learnt

٢٨. فَغَدوت في العيد الكَبير مهنّئاً
بِخلود ملك سرّ مِنهُ العالم

29. And the survival of the cub solemnly crowned
On him from success signs appeared

٢٩. وَبَقاء شبل بِالوَقار متوّج
لاحَت عَليهِ مِن الفَلاح عَلائم

30. And long life for the ally the mighty
Victory through which a decisive king prevails

٣٠. وَمَديد عمر للعزيز حَليفه
نصرٌ يَسود بِهِ مَليكٌ حازم

31. And more favor which a historian says
Eid Al-Adha is for the happy one who feasts

٣١. وَمَزيد إِقبال يقول مؤرِّخاً
عيد الأَضاحي للسَعيد منادم