1. You claimed, O atheist, that you would live forever unburied.
But the cup of misery turned against you, and death overtook you, O impudent one.
١. زَعمت بِأَنك يا مُلحدُ
تَعيش مَدى الدَهر لا تُلحَدُ
2. Your life was long and fruitless, and you departed as if you had never existed.
And Iblis wept over you, and Fadfad was straitened by grief for you.
٢. فَدارَت عَلَيكَ كُؤس الرَدى
وَأَدركك المَوت يا هُدهد
3. So taste in the blazing Hell the drink of scalding water, a recompense for what your hands put forward.
How many idols did you prostrate to, yet would not prostrate to your Lord?
٣. وَعمرُك طالَ بِلا طائلٍ
وَرُحت كَأَنك لا تُوجد
4. How often did you arrogantly boast, O son of fornication, of doing despicable acts that earn no praise?
The steeds of your misguidance did not stop galloping in their bewilderment, with no guide to restrain them.
٤. وَإِبليس لَما هَلكت بَكى
عَلَيكَ وَضاقَ بِهِ الفدفد
5. Old age did not keep you from the private abode where you used to sit.
So you obeyed desire, old man of evil, and the leprous outcast disobeyed you.
٥. فَذُق في جَحيم شَراب الحَميم
جَزاء بِما قَدّمته اليَد
6. You rejected religious duties and denied them, and contradicted what Ahmad established.
Were not the people of Lot and those who passed before a lesson to you, O corrupter?
٦. فَكَم صَنَم جئتَه ساجِداً
وَكُنت لَربك لا تَسجُد
7. Did not the people of ‘Aad perish when Allah decreed for them, and they were not immortal?
And I knew well of their condition, for you are one of them, as you stipulated.
٧. وَكَم قَد تَفاخَرت يا اِبن الزِنا
بِفعل الخنى وَهُوَ لا يُحمَد
8. So Allah gave you respite after them, hoping that you would be guided by what befell them.
But you only increased in misguidance, so you met what you used to deny out of heedlessness.
٨. وَخَيل ضلالك ما عاقَها
عَن الرَكض في غَيِها مُرشد
9. And here you are in a pit of fire, ever more intensely blazing and unextinguished.
After reckoning, your destination is to Malik, O most wretched one.
٩. وَلَم يَنهك الشَيب عَن مقعد
بِهِ كُنت في خلوة تقعد
10. There you will be roasted in Hellfire, and not allowed to sit beside Imru’ al-Qays.
Can the hypocrite have anything but harm from this elegy that is recited?
١٠. فَيا شَيخ سُوء أَطَعت الهَوى
وَلَم يَعصك الأَبرَص الأَمرَد
11. So whoever blames me for it is one who will sit with him in the intense flames.
A believer has no duty to support one who does not worship Allah.
١١. جحدت الفُروض وَأَنكَرتَها
وَخالَفت ما سنه أَحمَد
12. Moreover, what I have said is nothing but what you all bear witness to.
It suffices me to have depicted him, defiant in Hell, blazing and charred.
١٢. أَما كانَ في قَوم لَوط وَمن
مَضى عبرةٌ لَكَ يا مُفسد
١٣. أَما هَلكت قَوم عادَ وَقَد
قَضى اللَه فيهُم وَما خُلِّدوا
١٤. وَقَد كُنت أَدرى بِأَحوالهم
لِأَنك مِنهُم كَما تَعهد
١٥. فَأَمهلك اللَه مِن بَعدِهم
عَساكَ بِما نالَهُم ترشد
١٦. فَزدت ضَلالاً فَلاقيت ما
لَهُ كُنت مِن غَفلة تَجحد
١٧. وَها أَنت في حُفرة نارُها
تَزيد اِشتِعالاً وَلا تَخمد
١٨. وَبَعد الحِساب إِلى مالك
مَصيرك يا أَيُّها الأَنكَد
١٩. هُنالك تَصلى سَعيراً وَعَن
جِوار امرئ القَيس لا تطرد
٢٠. وَهَل لِلمنافق غَير الأَذى
بِهَذا الرِثاء الَّذي يُنشد
٢١. فَمن لامَني فيهِ فَهوَ الَّذي
لَهُ مَعَهُ في اللَظى مقعد
٢٢. وَلَيسَ عَلى مُؤمن نصرة
لِمَن كانَ لِلّه لا يَعبد
٢٣. عَلى أَنَ ما قُلتُه لَم يَكُن
سِوى ما بِهِ كلكم يَشهَد
٢٤. وَحَسبي أَني أَرخته
مُخالف في سَقر يَكمد