1. With the spear of his charming stance he pierced me,
This delicate youth on the day of parting abandoned me,
١. أَصمى بِرُمح قَوامه الفَتّانِ
هَذا الرشا يَوم الوَداع جَفاني
2. And turned his arrows upon me at the abode of yearning
With a glance that slaughtered me without hesitating.
٢. وَسَطا عَليّ لَدى النَوى بِصَوارمٍ
مِن لَحظه فَتَكَت بِغَير تَواني
3. And from my tear ducts, tears flowed
Running down my cheeks in betrayal.
٣. وَمِن المَحاجر صارَ فَيض مَدامِعي
يَجري عَلى الخَدّين في غَدران
4. And my body became an unreal mirage
From the utmost separation it endured.
٤. وَالجسم أَصبَح لا خَيال لَهُ يُرى
مِن فَرط ما لاقى مِن الهجران
5. And the critic saw my emaciated body so he doubted
Me and this elegant one, and admonished me.
٥. وَرَأى العَذول نَحولَ جسمي فَاِشتَفى
مِني وَعَن هَذا الرَشيق نَهاني
6. And he forbade his company to me and came with
The proof to permit dissolving our pact.
٦. وَعليّ حرّمَ وَصلَه وَأَتى عَلى
تَحليل نَقض العَهد بِالبُرهان
7. Oh what grief, will he prevent any consolation from me
When my beloved obeyed him and disobeyed me?
٧. يا وَيحَه أَيروم مِني سَلوة
حَيث الحَبيب أَطاعه وَعَصاني
8. Far be it that he succeeds in what he wants and ends
What elevated my status in degradation.
٨. حاشا يَفوز بِما أَراد وَيَنتهي
عَما بِهِ في الذُلِّ عزَّ مَكاني
9. It was I whom passion contracted the pact,
And called me to battle the critics.
٩. وَأَنا الَّذي عَقَد الغَرامُ لي اللوا
وَإِلى جِهاد العاذلين دَعاني
10. So I began to penetrate the ranks and unleash
The fire of passion in the battle's inferno.
١٠. وَطفقت أَخترقُ الصُفوف وَأَصطَلي
نار الجَوى في حَومة الجوَلان
11. And alone in battle I defeated them all
With patience, not with a sword and spear.
١١. وَهزمت وَحدي في النِزال جَميعَهم
بِالصَبر لا بمهندٍ وَسنان
12. But when the abode of yearning pained me intensely,
It led the critic to my hidden place.
١٢. لَكن أَنيني حينَ جدّ بي النَوى
دلَّ العَذول عَلى خفيِّ مَكاني
13. Far be it that the firmness of my determination soften
Or that the reins of my resolve twist.
١٣. حاشا تلين مِن الصدود شَكيمَتي
أَو يَلتوي في الحادِثات عَناني
14. For seriousness has brought me bliss and the nights safety,
And the age's victory in assisting lovers.
١٤. فَالجدّ أَسعدَ وَاللَيالي سالمت
وَصفا بِنَصر العاشِقين زَماني