1. Good fortune strives amid processions
To grant you wishes, rider and walker alike.
١. لَكَ السَعدُ يَسعى في خِلال المَواكبِ
بِنَيل المُنى ما بين ماشٍ وَراكبِ
2. And daily it comes to you in rank
That its ensigns in the chest are stars' lights.
٢. ويُومِي لَكَ الإقبالُ مِنهُ بِرُتبةٍ
لنيشانها في الصَدر نُورُ الكَواكب
3. So you are fate's pride in best government
With its success in Egypt's flags victorious.
٣. فَأَنتَ عَليُّ القَدر في خَير دَولةٍ
لِتوفيقها في مَصرَ أَعلامُ غالب
4. And you it is who gives schools their glow,
Lighting like a sun in the sky of offices.
٤. وَأَنتَ الَّذي مِنكَ المَدارس ضوؤُها
يُضيء كَشَمسٍ في سَماء المَكاتب
5. So stand firm ever for knowledge
Helper against deep-dark ignorance.
٥. فَكُن بِثَباتٍ لِلمَعارف دائِماً
نَصيراً عَلى جَهل كَثيف الغَياهب
6. And train each teacher in teaching
To do his duty to science's sons.
٦. وَدرّب عَلى التَدريس كُلَّ مَدرّسٍ
يَقوم لِأَبناء العُلوم بِواجب
7. For you know sciences and their people best,
And what profits nations of every duty.
٧. فَإِنَّكَ أَدرى بِالعُلوم وَأَهلِها
وَمَنفعةِ الأَوطان مِن كُل ناجب
8. And the Khedive, may his rule in Egypt endure,
Saw you worthy of high office and rank.
٨. وَإِن الخديوي دامَ في مصر ملكُه
رآك جَديراً بِالعُلا وَالمَناصب
9. So those did he grant you as you merit,
For your discretion and benefit to seeker.
٩. فَأَولاك بِالإِقبال ما أَنتَ أَهلُهُ
لِما فيكَ مِن حَزمٍ وَنفع لِطالب
10. So from him you have aid in all wherein
Is straightway facilitating each hardship.
١٠. فَمنهُ لَكَ الإِسعافُ في كُل ما به
عَلى الفَور تسهيلٌ لِكُلِّ المَصاعب
11. And from you to him true loyalty and candour
For his state of splendour and talents.
١١. وَمِنكَ لهُ الإِخلاص وَالصدق وَالوَفا
بِدولته ذات البَها وَالمَواهب
12. And with those qualities entire were you moulded,
Text against foe and comrade alike.
١٢. وَأَنتَ على تِلكَ الصِفات جَميعها
جُبلتَ بِنَص عَن عدوّ وَصاحب
13. And how not, when in them, as you know,
Are all gains, in their meanings entire?
١٣. وَكَيفَ وَفيها حسبما أَنتَ عالم
بِها لِمعانيها جَميع المَكاسب
14. And in them God's approval of all command
Free in its traits from all defects.
١٤. وَفيها رضا الرحَمن عَن كُل آمر
تَنزه في أَوصافه عَن مَثالب
15. So you remained for knowledge our overseer,
With expert eye, knower of consequences.
١٥. فَلا زِلت فينا لِلمَعارف ناظِراً
بِعَين خَبيرٍ عارفٍ بِالعَواقب
16. And you remained in our lands, for our dear one,
Minister, sound in thought, perfect in honours.
١٦. وَلا زِلت في أَوطاننا لعزيزنا
وَزيراً سَديد الرَأي جَمّ المَناقب
17. And eulogies guided to you never ceased,
Among all people, by concord of creeds.
١٧. وَلا بَرحت تُهدَى إِليك مَدائحٌ
عَلى الناس تُتلى باتفاق المَذاهب
18. Each sincere one embellishing them
With all that pleased, spreading them east and west,
١٨. يُنمِّقُها مِن كُلِّ ما راقَ مُخلصٌ
وَيَنشرها في شَرقِها وَالمَغارب
19. That you might meet them with sheer affability
When they came in battalions from the soul.
١٩. لَعَلك تَلقاها بمحض بَشاشة
إِذا أَقبَلت مِن نَفسِها في كَتائب
20. And grant them acceptance, for it is
The fresh-sweet well, the place of drinking.
٢٠. وَتمنحها مِنكَ القَبول فَإِنَّهُ
هُوَ المنهل المَورود عَذب المَشارب
21. And that is much for an Amir whose bounty
Made the state of knowledge supreme among foreigners.
٢١. وَذاكَ كَثيرٌ مِن أَمير بِفضله
سمت دَولةُ العرفان بَينَ الأَجانب
22. And Majdi recited it chronicling
‘Ali graced with ranks from guardian.’
٢٢. وَأَنشده مَجدى يَقول مُؤرخاً
عَليّ تحلَّى مِن وليّ مَراتب