
The Nile and the noble king Sa'id,

النيل والملك النبيل سعيد

1. The Nile and the noble king Sa'id,
Both are auspicious in Egypt.

١. النيل وَالملك النَبيل سَعيدُ
كُل لَهُ جدّ بمصر سَعيدُ

2. Both have longevity therein,
With bounty, the welfare of people increases.

٢. وَكِلاهُما فيها لَهُ طُول المَدى
فيض بِهِ نعم الأَنام تَزيد

3. The Nile in its seasons wherein,
It irrigates the land from its drops and plains,

٣. فَالنيل في أَوقاته تُروى بِهِ
مِنها بُحيرة قطرها وَصَعيد

4. And circles around its thickets with a
Red sign that it spreads therein and repeats.

٤. وَيَطوف حَول غياضها بِعَلامة
حَمراء يَنشرها بِها وَيُعيد

5. As if this river has a bond,
Covenants and pacts have been taken from it.

٥. وَكَأَن هَذا النَهر ذو لّب وَقَد
أُخذت عَلَيهِ مَواثقٌ وَعُهود

6. It visits the land arduously and from it recoils,
By the will of the Merciful, He is praiseworthy.

٦. فَيزورها غبّاً وَعَنها ينثني
بِإِرادة الرَحمَن وَهوَ حَميد

7. With its tranquility it succeeds and takes precaution,
On the day of farewell with what it desired and wanted.

٧. وَبِلَثم راحته تَفوز وَتَحتظي
يَوم الوَداع بِما تَشا وَتُريد

8. And when it recedes from the land, it appears in an
Attire green, its view unique and singular.

٨. وَمَتى اِنجَلى عَنها بَدَت في حلة
خَضراء مَنظرها البَديع فَريد

9. The plains and mountains became adorned,
With abundant fertility that has no increase.

٩. وَزَهَت وَعَمَّ سُهولَها وَجِبالَها
خصبٌ كَثير ما عَلَيهِ مَزيد

10. The lasting by his might and firmness,
Repels from it all misfortunes.

١٠. وَالداوريُّ بِبأسه وَثَباته
عَنها جَميع الحادِثات يَذود

11. His right hand hurls the fires of lightning bolts,
With it in wars the fortresses weaken.

١١. وَيَمينه تَرمي بِنار صَواعق
مِنها الرَواسي في الحُروب تَميد

12. To its west are five seas,
Flowing endlessly with no limits.

١٢. وَلبرها بِاليسر خَمسة أَبحُرٍ
تَجري دَواماً ما لهنّ حُدود

13. With his justice promulgated in his nations,
There remains no existence for vile injustice.

١٣. وَبَعدله المَنشور في أَوطانه
لَم يَبقَ لِلجور الذَميم وُجود

14. Where in his rulings, ever,
Are the near and far equal?

١٤. أَنّى وَبَينَ يَديه في أَحكامه
أَبَداً قَريب يَستَوي وَبَعيد

15. The sublime state from it he laid its foundations,
With enlightened opinion in matters most proper.

١٥. وَالدَولة الغَرّاء مِنهُ ساسَها
رَأي مُنيف في الأُمور سَديد

16. So may God grant him and his heir,
A long life with shade in Egypt enduring.

١٦. فَاللَه يَمنحه وَيَمنَح شبله
عُمراً لَهُ ظل بِمَصر مَديد

17. As long as the Nile comes visiting,
Every year once and returns.

١٧. ما دامَ هَذا النيل يَأتي زائِراً
في كُلِّ عام مَرّة وَيَعود

18. Or I said the day of necessitation in its history,
Necessitated for us the happiness of Sa'id, auspicious.

١٨. أَو قُلت يَوم الجبر في تاريخه
جَبَرَ الخَليجَ لَنا السَعيدُ سَعيدُ