
Sanaa Rafa Ismail on the Feast Day

سناء رفعة إسماعيل في العيد

1. Sanaa Rafa Ismail on the Feast Day
For the King in Egypt the auspicious feast is an ornament

١. سَناء رفعة إِسماعيل في العيدِ
للملك في مصر أَضحى حلية الجيدِ

2. And the nightingale above its branch
Praised him with melodies and trilling

٢. وَعَندليب التَهاني فَوق دَوحته
أَثنى عَلَيهِ بِأَلحانٍ وَتَغريدِ

3. Oh what a King who extends a hand
For justice, in its clasp success lies supported

٣. فَيا لَهُ مِن مَليك مدّ مِنهُ يَداً
لِلعَدل في لَثمِها فَوزٌ بِتَأييد

4. He erected the glorious state and fortified it
With firmness its beauty adorned by his guiding

٤. وَشَيد الدَولة الغَرّا وَحصّنها
بِصَولة زانَها مِنهُ بِتَسديد

5. Egypt awoke from a slumber that harmed her
Revived and straightened after decay

٥. فَاِستيقظت مَصر مِن نَوم أَضرَّ بها
هَنيهةً وَاِستَقامَت بَعد تَأويد

6. And with hopes his subjects triumphed
And felt reassured after terror and threats

٦. وَبِالأَماني لَقَد فازَت رَعيتُه
وَاِستَأنَسَت بَعدَ إِيحاشٍ وَتَهديد

7. Thus with loyalty they quickly extended
Their hands in prayer for his eternity

٧. لِذاك مدَّت بإِخلاص عَلى عجل
إِلى الدُعاء لَهُ الأَيدي بِتَخليد

8. And I greeted him, with the youths, praising him
Soon with coronation and exaltation

٨. وَبشّرته مَع الأَشبال مدحتُهُ
عَما قَليل بِتَمليك وَتَمجيد

9. The Feast of Sacrifice came in joy for him
My two days to his noble kingship introducing

٩. وَجاءَ عيد الأَضاحي في السُرور لَهُ
يُومي إِلى مُلكه السامي بِتَمهيد

And the eminent came toward him recording

١٠. وَأَقبَلَت نَحوَهُ العليا مُؤرخة
سَناء رفعة إِسماعيل في العيد