
You deserve all glory, O magnanimous one,

لك المجد يا صدر العلا والمكارم

1. You deserve all glory, O magnanimous one,
For your appreciated efforts, O foremost servant.

١. لَكَ المَجد يا صَدر العُلا وَالمَكارمِ
عَلى سَعيك المَشكور أَوّلُ خادمِ

2. You are indeed the virtuous chamberlain whom
Every wise man takes as an example in his opinion.

٢. فَإِنَّكَ نعم الخادن الفاضل الَّذي
بِهِ يَقتدي في رَأيه كُلُّ حازم

3. And you are, in his kingdom, a supporter of our Master the Imam
In strengthening the most truthful pillar.

٣. وَأَنتَ لمَولانا الإِمام بملكه
معينٌ عَلى تَأييد أَصدق قائم

4. In you are traits that no book or eloquent anthology
Has fully captured.

٤. وَفيكَ مِن الأَوصاف ما لَم يُحط بِهِ
كِتابٌ وَلا دِيوانُ أَبلَغِ ناظم

5. The brothers have conceded that you are superior
In your precedence in the arena of great feats.

٥. وَقَد أَذعَن الأَخدانُ أَنك فائز
بِسبقك في مضمار حسم العَظائم

6. And the Minister of Consultation Mustafa
Is the noblest advisor to the King.

٦. وَإِن وَزير الإِستشارة مصطفى
لطالع رَب الملك أَشرَف باصم

7. May God grant him wisdom, experience, and trustworthiness,
A faithful man of great status and firm resolutions.

٧. لَهُ اللَه مِن شَهم لَبيب مجرّب
أَمين جَليل القَدر ماضي العَزائم

8. How much we have seen in the papers of his
High ambitions in redressing wrongs.

٨. فَكَم قَد رَأينا في الصَحائف ما له
مِن الهمة العَليا بردّ المَظالم

9. And how much we have heard of his generosity, which
Effaced the munificence of Ka'b and Hatim after them.

٩. وَكَم قَد سَمعنا عَن سَماحته الَّتي
محت جُود مَعْنٍ بَعد كَعب وَحاتم

10. Every brilliant minister in Tunis
Deserves the praise of scholar and wise man.

١٠. وَكُل وَزير أَلمعيّ بِتُونس
جَدير بِمَدح من فَقيه وَعالم

11. And my thanks for the long duration, in increasing
The state of our Master the Most Merciful.

١١. وَشكري عَلى طُول المَدى في زِيادة
لِدَولة مَولانا عَظيم المَراحم