1. The executioner of fate with his famous sword
Has wronged the obscure and famous alike
١. رَيبُ المَنون بِسيفه المَشهورِ
أَخنى عَلى المَجهول وَالمَشهورِ
2. And how many arrows of his have hit their mark
That would melt the hearts of friends and foes
٢. وَلَكَم لَهُ في الفَتك صائبُ أَسهُمٍ
تُصمي فُؤادَ مسامر وَسَمير
3. He assaults us relentlessly every day
With weeping that cannot extinguish the burning anguish
٣. وَلَهُ عَلَينا كُلَّ يَوم صَولةٌ
لَم يُطفِ مِنها الدَمعُ حَرَّ زَفير
4. Neither the weak nor the strong are spared
From the horror of his predestined blow
٤. لَم يَنجُ ذُو ضَعف وَلا ذُو قُوّة
مِن هَول مَصرع بَطشه المَقدور
5. Every creature has an appointed end
Be it soon or late without delay
٥. وَلِكُل مَخلوق رَحيلٌ عاجلٌ
أَو آجل يَأتي بِلا تَأخير
6. Curse this world whose raids
Are endless and deceive us with delusion
٦. تَبّاً لِدُنيانا الَّتي غاراتُها
لا تَنقضي وَتدلُّنا بِغُرور
7. If it laughs, it makes you weep and if peaceful
It betrays and does not cease destroying
٧. إِن أَضحَكت أَبكَت وَإِن هِيَ سالمت
غَدرت وَما تَنفك في تَدمير
8. No one who lived long in it gained anything
So disavow your life, it is the abode of falsehood
٨. ما تَحتَ عمرٍ طالَ فيها طائلٌ
فَاربأ بِعمرك فَهيَ دار الزُور
9. To feel safe in it is fear and its comfort is hardship
And tranquility in it turns hair gray with turmoil
٩. تَأَمينها خَوف وَراحَتُها عَنا
وَالصَفو مِنها شِيبَ بِالتَكدير
10. Why then aspire to live on when already
The Shaykh of piety has left his pulpit and bed
١٠. فَإلامَ تَطمَعُ في البَقاء وَقَد مَضى
شَيخُ التُقى عَن منبر وَسَرير
11. Al-Jawhari Muhammad ibn Muhammad
An ocean of generosity, bountiful and abundant
١١. الجَوهريُّ محمدُ بن محمدٍ
بَحرُ العَطاء الزاخر المَوفور
12. With knowledge, glory, intelligence, caution
Resolve, management, wisdom
١٢. وَالعلمِ وَالمَجدِ المؤثَّل وَالذَكا
وَالحَزمِ وَالإِقدام وَالتَدبير
13. Noble lineage and all that distinguishes
Every important man
١٣. وَالحلم وَالشَرَف الرَفيع وَما بهِ
يَمتاز بَين الناس كُل خَطير
14. You were honored with a guide and caliph
For Shadhili, the enlightened pole
١٤. أَكرم بِهِ مِن مُرشدٍ وَخَليفةٍ
لِلشاذلّي القطب ذي التَنوير
15. And exalted by reviving the glories of your grandfather
Famed for his resolve in battle
١٥. وَأَجلّ مِن أَحيا مآثرَ جده
بِوفور عزم في القِتال شَهير
16. Your grandfather was the sword of God, the eternal Khaled
With his steadfastness, all hardship was humbled
١٦. فَالجَد سَيف اللَه خالدٌ الَّذي
بِثَباته قَد هان كُلُّ عَسير
17. He dominated those who strayed from the religion of guidance
And cast them away with his flashing sword
١٧. وَسَطا عَلى مَن صَدّ عَن دين الهُدى
فَرماهمُ مِن سَيفه بِثبور
18. He humiliated those who rebelled and empowered those who
Obeyed the best Messenger
١٨. وَأَذلَّ مَن شَق العَصا وَأَعزَّ من
نال المُنى وَأَطاع خَير بَشير
19. This scion followed his example, so his
Praiseworthy efforts made him joyful
١٩. وَبِهِ اِقتَدى هَذا السَليل فسرَّهُ
بِنَجاحه في سَعيه المَشكور
20. He attained success and ruled with determination
Accompanied by glory and esteem
٢٠. وَسَما بِإِقبالٍ وَساد بهمةٍ
مَصحوبة بِالعز وَالتَوقير
21. And he surpassed his own father
In knowledge, precedence and literary skill
٢١. وَعَلى أَبيه لَقَد تَخرّج فائِقاً
في علمه بِالسَبق وَالتَحرير
22. He gained distinction in the world with virtues
That gave him special favor and delight
٢٢. وَقَد اِزدَهى بَينَ الوَرى بِكَرامة
خَصَّت علاه بِحظوة وَسُرور
23. O Shaykh whose good deeds
Are beyond reckoning and enumeration
٢٣. يا أَيُّها الشَيخ الَّذي حَسناته
جلَّت عَن الإِحصاء وَالتَقدير
24. The gardens are adorned for you, so rejoice
And live in pleasure and rapture
٢٤. إِن الجِنان تَزخرفت لَكَ فَاِبتَهج
وانعم وَدُم في لَذةٍ وَحبور
25. And attain the utmost you seek, gratified
By your rewarded, beautiful end
٢٥. وَابلغ نِهاية ما تَروم ممتَّعاً
فيها بِحُسن ختامك المَأجور
26. Upon you is the approval of the Guardian as long as
You glorify God with prayers and declaration of His greatness
٢٦. وَعَليك رُضوان المهيمن ما دَعا
لِلّه بِالتَهليل وَالتَكبير
27. Or my eulogy records you saying
Congratulations, jewel of Jawhari, for the maiden houri
٢٧. أَو قالَ مَجدي في رثاك مؤرخاً
بُشراي سُرَّ الجَوهري بِالحُور