1. Safa, a star's light in the sky, happy
Appeared in Al Dawuri fortresses, happy
١. صَفا نُور نَجم في السَماء سَعيدِ
بَدا في حُصون الداوريِّ سَعيدِ
2. Appeared from Emir of the Knowers, Muhammad
So, in people, the heart of a follower was delighted
٢. بَدا مِن أَمير العارفين مُحمد
فَسر به في الناس قَلب مريد
3. And soon when he grows in knowledge and shines
He will be as a pillar for arts, new
٣. وَسَوفَ إِذا ما شَبَّ في العلم وَاِنتَشى
يَكُون كَرُكنٍ لِلفُنون جَديد
4. And he will strive as this valiant father for the heights
With resolve, planning, and glorious zeal
٤. وَيَسعى كَهَذا الوالد الشَهم لِلعُلا
بِعَزمٍ وَتَدبيرٍ وَحَزمِ مَجيد
5. And he will race the steeds of refinement and intellect
In the track of sound and correct opinion
٥. ويركضُ أَفراسَ النَجابة وَالذَكا
بِمضمار رَأي صائب وَسَديد
6. So Al-Ma'mun will not be mentioned for his merit near him
Even if he was attributed to a thousand wise men
٦. فَلا يُذكَرُ المَأمون بِالفَضل عِندَهُ
وَلَو كانَ مَنسوباً لأَلفِ رَشيد
7. Just so Iyas, Ibn Ma'di, and Ahnaf
And every unique hero in fighting
٧. كَذاكَ إِياسٌ وَاِبن مَعدي وَأَحنَفٌ
وَكُل همام في النِزال فَريد
8. And that is only because he is from Muhammad
Who came good from good and praisalbe
٨. وَما ذاكَ إِلا أَنَّهُ مِن مُحمد
أَتى طَيّباً مِن طيّب وَحَميد
9. So glad tidings for the son of the most generous father
Clement, perfect, knower, and pillar
٩. فَبُشرى لِمَولود بِأَكرَم والد
حَليم كَميٍّ عارف وَعَميد
10. He had indeed pitched his tent of knowledge above the full moon
And built with deeds - oh, what a great architect!
١٠. لَقَد حَط فَوقَ البَدر بِالعلم رحله
وَأَحكَم بِالأَعمال أَي مشيد
11. And this cub met him halfway through the morning
With ample and lasting fortune
١١. وَوافاه هَذا الشبل في نُصف قَعدة
نَهاراً بِحَظ وافر وَمَديد
12. So it befits the likes of me to congratulate my prince
For a delightful glory in the world and tradition
١٢. فَساغَ لِمثلي أَن يُهنِّي أَميره
بِمَجدٍ طَريفٍ في الوَرى وَتَليد
13. And rejoice wherever luck has said, recording
For me this boy is the best offspring
١٣. وَيطرب حَيث السَعد قالَ مُؤرِّخاً
لي النَجل إِبراهيم خَير وَليد