1. Give me a drink from your sweet lips
For separation has long changed my state
١. هات اِسقِني مِن ريق ثَغرٍ حالي
فَلطالما الهجرانُ غَيَّر حالي
2. And sleeplessness has long tortured my eyes
Until sorrow lamented my passion's fate
٢. وَلطالما سهرَت لبُعدِك مقلتي
حَتّى رَثى لي في الهَوى عذّالي
3. I've become from intense love no more than a phantom
No one sees me when I call but my shadow
٣. وَغَدوتُ مِن فَرط الصَبابة لا يُرى
مني إِذا ناديت غَيرُ خَيالي
4. Have mercy, be kind, show me favor
And cure me of my sickness after disdain, with union
٤. فَاِرحم وَجُد واعطف عليّ وَداوِني
مِن علّتي بَعد الجَفا بِوصال
5. For I have been patient with passion and its humiliation
When I was struck by arrows from the beloved's glances
٥. فَلَقَد صَبَرت عَلى الهَوى وَهَوانه
لَمّا رُميتُ مِن النَوى بِنبال
6. And I have borne all the injustice from you as a neighbor
In my heart, so I excelled at it and am no weakling
٦. وَحملتُ كُلَّ الضَيم مِنكَ لجيرة
في القَلب فُزتُ بِها فلست بِسالي
7. How can there be joy when I've arrived at the field
With Hafez, most eloquent in verse of all creation?
٧. كَيفَ السلوّ وَقَد نَزلت بِساحة
مَع حافظ أَبهى الوَرى المفضال
8. Oh Muhammad, the seat of the caliphate
Its lights shine with your continual glory
٨. أَمحمدٌ دار الخِلافة أَشرَقَت
أَنوارُها بِضيائك المتلالي
9. You came to Egypt its defender, loyal to its affection
Despite those who spoke against you in its lands
٩. وَقَدمتَ مَصرَك حافِظاً لِودادها
رَغم الَّذي لَكَ في رباها قالي
10. You attained what you hoped so he died of vexation
Extinguished while you live graced with favor
١٠. وَبَلغتَ ما تَرجو فَمات بِغَيظه
كَمداً فَعش فينا مُنعَّم بال
11. You brought good tidings so I said, recording as a chronicler
"Congratulations Hafez on your most auspicious arrival."
١١. وَقدمتَ بِالبُشرى فَقُلتُ مؤرخاً
يَهنيك حافظ أَطيب الإِقبال