1. I devoted myself to literature before I was weaned,
And I aspired to it until I achieved my goal.
١. عكفتُ عَلى الآداب قَبل فطامي
وَهمتُ بِها حَتّى بَلغت مَرامي
2. I hastened into the arena of enthusiasm and praise
With leading thoughts in sublime eulogies.
٢. وَبادرت مضمار الحَماسة وَالثَنا
بِسابق فكر في المَدائح سامي
3. And I flowed in praising the happy one and his cub
And his homelands and the soldiers, all determined.
٣. وَجاريت في مَدح السَعيد وَشبله
وَأَوطانه وَالجُندِ كُلَّ همام
4. Thus I was and did not cease to be the first
To perform the duty of gratitude in which my words prospered.
٤. فَكُنت وَلا أَنفكُّ أَوّلَ قائم
بِواجب شكرٍ طابَ فيهِ كَلامي
5. And with that, I did not limit his merits which
Transcend counting with a thousand leaders.
٥. وَمَعْ ذاكَ لَم أَحصر مَناقبَه الَّتي
تجلّ عَن الإحصا بِأَلف إِمام
6. Because I did not boast of spreading virtues
For acknowledging the Master, chief of warriors.
٦. لِأَنِّيَ لَم أَفخَر بِنَشر فضائلٍ
لعرفانه المَولى زَعيم عصام
7. And how could I when the army's register since he joined
Was adorned by him with the most excellent system.
٧. وَكَيفَ وَدِيوان الجُيوش مذ اِنتمى
لَهُ زانَهُ مِنهُ بَديعُ نِظام
8. And he managed affairs wisely,
And his finest guidance and leadership were perfect.
٨. وَقامَ بِتَدبير الأُمور سَداده
وَإِرشاده الأَسنى أَتمّ قِيام
9. He attacked the enemies and scattered their alliance
And made them drink in the battle the cup of annihilation.
٩. وَكرّ عَلى الأَعدا فَبدّد شَملَهم
وَجرَّعهم في النقع كَأسَ حِمام
10. He was relentless towards the arrogant on the day of fighting
With the stab of spears or the thrust of swords.
١٠. وَأَخنى عَلى المَغرور يَوم نِزاله
بِوَخزِ عوالٍ أَو بِطَعنِ حسام
11. And he resolved all problems with wisdom
That rules and ends conflict.
١١. وَحلّ جَميع المُشكلات بحكمة
يَمانية تَقضي بحسم خصام
12. And he forced the nose of an unjust, foolish, wicked opponent
To submit against his will.
١٢. وَأَرغم بِالإِنصاف أَنف معاندٍ
ظَلوم سَفيه الرَأي نسلِ لِئام
13. And he united hearts with kindness
And rain of gifts pouring copiously.
١٣. وَأَلف ما بَين القُلوب بِرأفة
وَغَيث نَوالٍ بالمبرّة هامي
14. And he revived with the honoring of the dear one, morals
With which the neck of the generous in Egypt was adorned.
١٤. وَأَحيا بِتقدير العَزيز مُروءةً
تحلَّى بِها في مصر جيدُ كِرام
15. And when cured, he reciprocated the physician
Who cared for his delicate body with kindness.
١٥. وَقابل بالإِحسان عِندَ شِفائه
طَبيباً عَن الجسم اللَطيف يُحامي
16. And granted him beyond wishes with generosity
For which he was praised in grand gatherings.
١٦. وَأَولاه ما فَوق المُنى بِسَماحة
ثَناه عَلَيها في المحافل نامي
17. So he still has successful efforts with gratitude,
Guided to good until the cycle is complete.
١٧. فَلا زالَ مَشكور المَساعي موفَّقاً
إِلى الخَير ما لاحَت بدورُ تمام
18. And none attained safety in his protection, favor and lofty position
Except those in fear.
١٨. وَما فازَ مِنهُ في الحِمى كُلُّ خائف
بِأَمنٍ وَإِنعامٍ وَعزِّ مقام
19. And no sincere praise of his sublime status
Increased at the beginning and good conclusion.
١٩. وَما اِزداد تَشريفاً بِهِ مَدحُ مخلصٍ
لِعلياه في بدءٍ وَحسن ختام