1. The clouds of Ihsan's kindness, Sameer Al Ola, have overflowed upon every seeker.
And the abundant rain of his generous hands has never ceased,
١. سَحائب إِحسان السَعيد محمدِ
سَمير العُلا فاضَت عَلى كُل مجتدي
2. Covering all people wherever they may be.
His days shine like a full moon in the sky of time,
٢. وَغَيث أَياديه الجَزيلة لَم يَزَل
يَعم جَميع الناس في أَي مَورد
3. And his just judgments gleam like the morning star.
Without a doubt, God has blessed Egypt with him after her beloved Muhammad.
٣. فَأَيامه في جبهة الدَهر غُرة
وَأَحكامه بِالعَدل تَزهو كفرقد
4. For through him a father's nobility lives on,
Gifting her with eternal honor and felicity.
٤. وَلا رَيب أَن اللَه أَسعَد مصره
بِهِ بَعد مَولاها العَزيز محمد
5. He immortalized his memory in her through his care,
And fortified her against every aggressor with his wisdom.
٥. وَكَيفَ وَقَد أَحيا بِها فَضل والد
حَباها بعزٍّ سرمدي وَسؤدد
6. He erected in her every fortress and citadel,
With an insight directed in each matter.
٦. وَخلَّد فيها ذكره باهتمامه
وَحصَّنها بالحزم مِن كُل معتدي
7. He met his servants with kindness, righteousness and contentment,
As they hoped for eternal permanence.
٧. وَأَسس فيها كُل حصن وَقَلعة
بِرأي لَهُ في كل أَمر مسدد
8. They frolic in the garden of joy and delight,
And are enraptured by the mention of him in every sitting place.
٨. وَقابل بِالمَعروف وَالبر وَالرضا
عَبيداً لَهُ تَرجو دَوام التخلد
9. Their tongues now praise him,
For the favors his right hand bestowed yesterday and will bestow tomorrow.
٩. وَتَمرح في رَوض المَسرة وَالهَنا
وَتطرب مِن ذكراه في كُل مقعد
10. They continually recite to him the verse of gratitude,
In the most perfect chanting and excellent repetition.
١٠. وَتُثني عَلَيهِ مِنهُمُ الآن ألسنٌ
بِما قَدّمت يمناه في الأَمس وَالغَد
11. Paradise on earth is none but our Egypt,
Which has soared and taken pride in the Victorious Supporter.
١١. وَتَتلو عَلَيهِ آيةَ الشُكر دائِماً
بِأَكمل تَرتيل وَحُسن تردّد
12. He continues to watch over her and shower her people,
With bounty throughout the ages, in every newborn child.
١٢. وَما جنة الدُنيا سِوى مَصرنا الَّتي
سَمَت وَتَباهَت بِالعَزيز المؤيد
13. He continues to protect her with the might of an impregnable defense,
Before which every rebel and corrupter flees.
١٣. فَلا زالَ يَرعاها وَيغمر أَهلَها
مَدى الدَهر بِالإنعام في كُل مَولد
14. The crown of victory never leaves his noble brow,
As he marches among the soldiers in might.
١٤. وَلا زال يَحميها بِسَطوة هاصرٍ
يَفرُّ لَديه كُل باغ وَمُفسد
١٥. وَلا اِنفك تاج النَصر مِن فَوق هامه
يَروح بِهِ بَينَ الجُنود وَيَغتَدي