
The justice of your judgment has overwhelmed

عدالة الصدر في أَحكامه غمرت

1. The justice of your judgment has overwhelmed
All the wilderness, both remote and near

١. عدالة الصَدر في أَحكامه غمرت
كَل البرية مِن قاصٍ وَمِن داني

2. While the good servant and the clerks have worn
From unjust Agha the clothes of sorrow

٢. وَالعَبد صالح وَالكُتّاب قَد لبسوا
مِن جَورأَغا أَثوابَ أَحزان

3. And Arnuti disobeyed what
You ordered and did not pay any man

٣. وَالأَرنؤطي خالف ما
بِهِ أَمرت وَلَم يَصرف لإِنسان

4. And between these two, our lives were lost
For over a year without any benevolence

٤. وَبَينَ هذين قَد ضاعَت جَوامكُنا
مِن منذ عام وَلم نُغمَر بِإِحسان

5. As for the dependents, from hunger and thirst
They have become as if dead in shrouds

٥. أَمّا العِيال فمن جوعٍ وَمِن ظَمأٍ
أَضحوا كَأَنَّهُمُ مَوتى بِأَكفان

6. So be generous and merciful to them and order graciously
Whoever you wish to disburse to me from any treasury

٦. فَجُد لَهُم بِالعَطا وَاعطف وَمُر كرماً
مَن شئتَ بِالصَرف لي مِن أَي ديوان

7. For there is nothing left in my charge that delays me
From taking my livelihood after depriving me

٧. فَما عَلى عهدتي باقٍ يؤخرني
عَن أَخذ ماهيّتي مِن بَعد حرماني